The term fashion is usually misunderstood by people. The thing which comes new to market is fashion it actually means when the style is on the verge of finishing or ending up then it is said to be fashion. It has various stages through which it passes. It starts from a fashion leader and ends up to becoming mass.Initially it is started by a fashion leader who introduces a product at a very high price, high quality then followed by followers gradually decreasing the price quality and defined quality of the style or pattern followed fashion ends when it becomes a mass and comes to anybody and everybody increasing the availability and affordability.Every fashion has a life span and six stages through which fashion progress it has basic three stages:
Introduction stage
Acceptance stage
Regression stage
Fashion is also according to sessions,place ,climate conditions , occasions and as per year profession and pursuits.
The term fashion actually means this the clear version of what people misunderstand so let’s be the leaders of fashion and not end up saying what we wear is fashion.
I truly believe that clothes look good on everybody but its important clothes look good on you should look good in clothes. So, let’s change the thinking and being to understand thing better to have a better living and understanding towards life!!!