Whew ! Just today I saw a most short-sighted and stupid act. I saw a number of people - seemed like the local municipal workers - hacking down some healthy green trees. Why didn't I stop them? I was travelling in a bus, that's why! As I was proceeding homewards,upset and depressed at his prime example of stupidity, I began to wonder what would happen if there were no trees on earth?An earth without trees? Then I realised that this is merely a hypothetical question - if there were no trees. We would not be there! But just to imagine it was scary everybody would have to wear masks,for there would be only carbon-di-oxide and no oxygen.We need to plant lakhs of trees, not cut them. What do you think? We should start another Chipko movement?

Whew ! Just today I saw a most short-sighted and stupid act. I saw a number of people - seemed like the local municipal workers - hacking down some healthy green trees. Why didn't I stop them? I was travelling in a bus, that's why!
As I was proceeding homewards,upset and depressed at his prime example of stupidity, I began to wonder what would happen if there were no trees on earth?An earth without trees?
Then I realised that this is merely a hypothetical question - if there were no trees. We would not be there! But just to imagine it was scary everybody would have to wear masks,for there would be only carbon-di-oxide and no oxygen.We need to plant lakhs of trees, not cut them. What do you think? We  should start another Chipko movement?