Dr. Meena Jethani
- A brief about yourself and how you describe your personality and persona.
I belong to small town in Madhyapradesh, where some people still believeseducating daughter iswaste of time and money. In such narrow minded thinking, my parent educated me and made me a doctor. I am very passionate about my work, because I love what I do.I am very optimistic and hardworking. I know my responsibilities very well and I give all possible efforts to fullfill them in personal and professional life.
- Your achievements that makes you feel high.
First as a daughter – This is my bestachievement is when I gifted a home and a car to my parents, breaking the orthodox thinking that daughter has to marry and will go away. Secondly, as a gynecologist- I feel very satisfied when I see smile on mother’s face after she sees her baby for first time.
- Define the true beauty.
In my opinion there is only one word that described true beauty is “motherhoodâ€. For me its both of my mothers.
- What makes a complete, healthy and happy family for you?
Staying together, loving each other, caring each other without any expectations.
- What is your favorite idea of holidaying?
If you have people who can make you feel happy, complete and you have your inner peace; Well you don’t need holiday.
- Why you are participating in Mrs. India Queen of Substance?
Because this is what I wanted for myself. Neither I want to represent something nor I want to show anyone. We do job because we have responsibilities and we have to earn live hood. Like I said earlier that I love what I do. I want to represent myself for me. I request all females to just stop at point in your life, don’t wait for that perfect moment or some prince or knight. Search your sword yourself and conquer what you want.
- What bothers you most about what is happening in the country today?
Female harassment, sexual assault in our country is very shameful. No girl is free from these things. The other thing I am worried about is female feticide. It is very disheartening when a well educated people too want male baby and as a doctor, I come across this kind of thing very often.
- The Quote or saying that encourages you?
“If I can’t remove it, I shall try to improve itâ€.
- What is true Sportsmanship for you?
More precisely, I would say “Sportwomanship“ which is nothing but to accept victory without arrogance and to accept defeat humbly and politely .
- If you are selected as a Charity Ambassador what value addition would you like to make for our society and how?
I would like to built a play school for old age group where they can live without stress, where they can work in together in friendly environment so that they can live with dignity till end. As it has been said “Don’t die before deathâ€.