Samota Roy
- A Brief about yourself and how you describe your own Personality and Persona.
My name is Samota Roy, one word which describes me perfectly is CURIOUS. I am curious to know more, learn more. I am an explorer who wants to explore and live that moment. I believe I should live, explore my life fully so that tomorrow there is no regret. As a marketing professional, my work makes me travel PAN India where I explore different cuisine (I strongly believe that local cuisine makes you understand their culture deeply) and heritage I am Bengali by birth and married to Gujarati and now settled in Mumbai. I am a mother and motherhood has taught me patience (above all)
- Your Achievements that makes you feel high.
Every small and big achievement makes me feel high be it professionally, handling brands and taking them into new heights, getting awards for outstanding performances & taking new initiatives. or personally, getting job into my dream company, taking my parents to holiday with my first salary, be a mother and taking care of my child along with my job without asking any support from family (both sides).
- Define the true beauty.
True beauty of a women for me is the inner beauty which is deep inside and comes from your deeds towards other. True Beauty lies in Life because I feel we have only one life and every hour, every minute life teaches us something. Eventually these mistakes and experience help us to achieve big. This is beauty of life
- What makes a complete, healthy and happy family for you?
Sharing and caring for each other makes Complete, happy and healthy family. A family who laughs together and cry together where everyone understands each other requirement and they stand & step-up to support each other when required.
- What is your favourite Idea of Holidaying?
My idea of holidaying is to indulge myself in exploring new places, their history, their cuisine, culture & heritage. It should be mix of both adventure and serenity where I can pamper myself in the beauty of nature and in the same time learning new culture. I love to travel various places either alone or with my partner. I also believe in connecting with people and holidays are the best way to accomplish that. Be with connecting with my relatives when I am at my hometown or connecting with strangers when I am travelling.
- Why you are participating in Mrs India Queen of Substance?
It’s a dream which I am trying to realize. I am really thrilled and pleased to participate in Mrs. India Queen of substance. This will help me to attain new accomplishment in life which is filled with elegance and compassion. In our society, there is a social stigma associated with mental illness be it Autism, ADHD or Schizophrenia and I truly believe Mrs. India Queen of substance will give me platform and a voice to increase awareness on mental illness. I can do my bit to increase the awareness and be the voice.
- What bothers you most about what is happening in the country today?
I see India is progressing in every field. We are talking about women empowerment in a big way. Government is also focusing on same. Women are getting considered in every field. Still I feel the safety of women is the biggest concern. We in India worship
- The Quote or saying that encourages you?
“Love your life. Life will love you backâ€
- What is true “Sportsmanship†for you?
True sportsman for me is having a positive attitude with complete focus on my goal.
- would you like to make for our Society and how?
If I selected as a Charity Ambassador I would like to spread awareness on mental illness and try to reduce the social stigma associated with it. I would like to conduct various forums wherein awareness on social stigma can be talked upon. I will also give my time and attention to under-privileged and mental illness section because I feel spending time with then is most crucial thing. We can help them with money but love and care requires attention and precious time because of which they feel connected and loved.