Preeti Paul
- A brief about yourself and how you describe your own personality and persona.
My name is Preeti and my age is 51. I am the president of Karnataka for Naari Shakti Women Empowerment (NSWE). I am also a diploma holder from UK for nutrition and diet planner to create my own recipes. I like new experiences, with interest in art and adventure. I would describe my self as self-disciplined, energetic and positive. As a part of NSWE, I handle projects of child welfare, women empowerment and support for old-age homes. As a hobby I create colourful gardens to help environment under the project of “GO Green”. Rescuing Animals and birds is my die hard religion to keep the nature balanced with unconditional love for the planet earth.
- Your Achievements that makes you feel high.
Worked across various sectors of retail for 15 years in the middle-east region. I worked from scratch on the most basic level all the way upto higher positions like executive director in Qatar. I was able to reach a position where I was able to provide jobs to people of different nationalities. These skills and experiences helped me in my philanthropic, charity efforts and contribution to make the world a little better place.
- Define the true beauty.
As the old saying says, beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder. Beauty extends far beyond physical form, diving more into a person’s personality and soul. While physical beauty is temporary, the soul is a more permanent form of beauty lasting across a lifetime, with the capability of being passed down generations.
- What makes a complete, healthy and happy family for you?
Love and trust binds a family. The ability to provide a sense of safety and security is of utmost priority. Secondly, spending time together bolsters happiness and togetherness. A complete family encourages each member to achieve individually and together.
- What is your favourite Idea of Holidaying?
Holiday is just an excuse to escape our daily lives. Every holiday has to be a new adventurous trip to learn and experience new culture. If I want to wind down, I like the idea of shopping for everyone when on a holiday. Sometimes a holiday for me is to visit a place with cold climate to rejuvenate and collect myself.
- Why you are participating in Mrs India Queen of Substance?
Taking part in Mrs. India Queen of Substance allows me to regain confidence, be more responsive in front of crowds and advocate my work to be a role model and motivate others to do better for the world. This event will help me embrace myself and shine on stage. I want to be recognised for my talent by superior people so that it helps me grow.
- What bothers you most about what is happening in the country today?
- Pollution of various kinds - Negligence of women rights not getting equal rights equally. - Overuse of social media among young generation causing behavior issues. - Negligence of health awareness of elderly women - Junk food consumption and lack of physical activities.
- The Quote or saying that encourages you?
Believe in yourself! You are braver than you think, more talented than you know and capable of more than you imagine. Success is not final, Failure is not fatal. It is the courage to continue that counts.
- What is true “Sportsmanship” for you?
While any competition demands your best performance, it often results in rivalry. To adhere to true sportsmanship, one has to make sure the competition is healthy. Having a bigger heart is more important than winning.
- If you were selected as a Charity Ambassador what Value addition would you like to make for our Society and how?
My main motive is to inspire people to take on charity. The joy it brings and the impact it has is something most people are not aware of. To take this task on, I will be educating people on what we do and how they can be a part of it. I want to make a larger presence with the help of social media and technology to increase the geographical range.