Finalist Detail 2020


  • A Brief about yourself and how you describe your own Personality and Persona.
  • My name is Puja and I love the fact that it is associated with prayers. Born into a Gujrati Jain family, I was brought up with a lot of open mindedness and freedom. The tough situations I faced at a very young age taught me some very important life lessons. That situation made me very independent and practical, very early in life. Then I found my best man and we took off on a roller coaster ride, together. We were then blessed with a boy who was and remains a gift from the almighty. As a family, we share a bond that is truly special. My friends tell me that I laugh more than I smile. I bond easily with different kinds of people and make friends across the spectrum. I am very comfortable with my current state and therefore everything about me is very real.

  • Your Achievements that make you feel high.
  • I started working during my college days in order to support my family. Working hard or harder were the only two options available to me then. This not only made me more responsible, but also forged in me a steely sense of determination to steer my family through storm and rough weather. The carefree attitude of youth was replaced by a result-oriented mindset and has transformed me into a very tenacious and focused achiever. This period also taught me that the “Power of Ideas” could overcome the “Constraint of resources”. More than any career related post, it is this “Can Do” attitude that I am very proud of.

  • Define the true beauty.
  • My initiation into beauty was the sight of my mom dressed in one of her favorite bright saree with her jewelry on and some lovely flowers adorning her hair bun. My idea of true beauty is a positive attitude as one’s attitude is what truly stands out. My inspiration of true beauty are the many people who do selfless service for this is what shines forth and truly gives them and others, the blessings of joy and contentment. me, true beauty is being the best version of myself, inside & out.

  • What makes a complete, healthy and happy family for you?
  • Happiness is the key ingredient to both, good health & a wonderful family life. The catalyst for a happy family is giving each other the space to think different and think aloud too. Therefore, a complete, healthy & happy family is definitely “homemade”. I think as family we are a very cute together.

  • What is your favourite Idea of Holidaying?
  • Soaking the beauty of nature in all its myriad manifestations is my idea of a perfect holiday. That coupled with a cup of masala chai in one hand would make a winning combination for me.

  • Why you are participating in Mrs India Queen of Substance?
  • I revere this event since my childhood. To me, it is a graceful expression of a women’s confidence, her tremendous talents and her multifaceted personality. I wish my rendezvous with my childhood dream becomes my tryst with destiny. That is why I am keen to take part in this event.

  • What bothers you most about what is happening in the country today?
  • Our country today is plagued by the lack of cleanliness and utter disdain to women’s safety. It is we, our sisters and our daughters who bear the brunt of both these deep-rooted and widely prevalent maladies.

  • The Quote or saying that encourages you?
  • To me the quote “Count your blessings and they will multiply” has been a guiding principle in my life.

  • What is true “Sportsmanship” for you?
  • To me, true sportsmanship is excelling in a manner that inspires your opponents or others to emulate you.

  • If you were selected as a Charity Ambassador what Value addition would you like to make for our Society and how?
  • Like a prism that displays the many wonderful components of a single ray of light, on being selected as a Charity Ambassador, I would like to spread the message of the many wonderful social initiatives that this organization delivers against the backdrop of this wonderful event. The good work done will grow in geometrical proportions as likeminded people, especially our sisters join hands with us in this mission of selfless service.

Finalist Detail 2020

Puja Shah

  • Dubai
  • A Brief about yourself and how you describe your own Personality and Persona.
  • My name is Puja and I love the fact that it is associated with prayers. Born into a Gujrati Jain family, I was brought up with a lot of open mindedness and freedom. The tough situations I faced at a very young age taught me some very important life lessons. That situation made me very independent and practical, very early in life. Then I found my best man and we took off on a roller coaster ride, together. We were then blessed with a boy who was and remains a gift from the almighty. As a family, we share a bond that is truly special. My friends tell me that I laugh more than I smile. I bond easily with different kinds of people and make friends across the spectrum. I am very comfortable with my current state and therefore everything about me is very real.

  • Your Achievements that makes you feel high.
  • I started working during my college days in order to support my family. Working hard or harder were the only two options available to me then. This not only made me more responsible, but also forged in me a steely sense of determination to steer my family through storm and rough weather. The carefree attitude of youth was replaced by a result-oriented mindset and has transformed me into a very tenacious and focused achiever. This period also taught me that the “Power of Ideas” could overcome the “Constraint of resources”. More than any career related post, it is this “Can Do” attitude that I am very proud of.

  • Define the true beauty.
  • My initiation into beauty was the sight of my mom dressed in one of her favorite bright saree with her jewelry on and some lovely flowers adorning her hair bun. My idea of true beauty is a positive attitude as one’s attitude is what truly stands out. My inspiration of true beauty are the many people who do selfless service for this is what shines forth and truly gives them and others, the blessings of joy and contentment.

  • What makes a complete, healthy and happy family for you?
  • Happiness is the key ingredient to both, good health & a wonderful family life. The catalyst for a happy family is giving each other the space to think different and think aloud too. Therefore, a complete, healthy & happy family is definitely “homemade”. I think as family we are a very cute together.

  • What is your favorite Idea of Holidaying?
  • Soaking the beauty of nature in all its myriad manifestations is my idea of a perfect holiday. That coupled with a cup of masala chai in one hand would make a winning combination for me.

  • Why you are participating in Mrs India Queen of Substance?
  • I revere this event since my childhood. To me, it is a graceful expression of a women’s confidence, her tremendous talents and her multifaceted personality. I wish my rendezvous with my childhood dream becomes my tryst with destiny. That is why I am keen to take part in this event.

  • What bothers you most about what is happening in the country today?
  • Our country today is plagued by the lack of cleanliness and utter disdain to women’s safety. It is we, our sisters and our daughters who bear the brunt of both these deep-rooted and widely prevalent maladies.

  • The Quote or saying that encourages you?
  • To me the quote “Count your blessings and they will multiply” has been a guiding principle in my life.

  • What is true “Sportsmanship” for you?
  • To me, true sportsmanship is excelling in a manner that inspires your opponents or others to emulate you.

  • If you were selected as a Charity Ambassador what value addition would you like to make for our Society and how?
  • Like a prism that displays the many wonderful components of a single ray of light, on being selected as a Charity Ambassador, I would like to spread the message of the many wonderful social initiatives that this organization delivers against the backdrop of this wonderful event. The good work done will grow in geometrical proportions as likeminded people, especially our sisters join hands with us in this mission of selfless service.
