- A Brief about yourself and how you describe your own Personality and Persona.
I cherish my life and strive to live up to its fullness. I am thoroughly in love with me. I love my body, my sexuality, and my intellect. This essence of my life makes me confident and strong. I come across to people as a strong personality with remarkable leadership qualities. As a Doctor, saving lives and healing people remain my priority and it evokes me a sense of fulfilment. I am absolutely faithful to my profession and perform 60 / 70 surgeries in a month. I can go to any extent to see a smile on my patient's face than fear. I, in addition, have another side too. I love to party and love to dance. I believe that I am a romantic person. I want to be loved and pampered. Whenever time permits I go for a long walk and I love candlelight dinners.
- You’re Achievements that makes you feel high.
At home, I befall an accomplished woman connected with my feminine side. My husband admires me and my children love me. They just cannot imagine a home without me. I am not a soccer mom, but I am a fun mother and my children love me for what I am.??At work, I am a competent Obstetrics and Gynaecologist. I am a Robotic Gynaecological Surgeon as well as a Laparoscopic Surgeon. I am also an Onco Surgeon or in layman’s term a cancer specialist for women cancers. I thank God for these sets of medical skills he endowed upon me. I am also a water birth trainer
- Define the true beauty.
Margaret Wolfe Hungerford, the Irish novelist once coined this famous phrase: “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.” But I believe that beauty lies in the heart of a person. Beauty for me is the quintessence of the human spirit.
- What makes a complete, healthy and happy family for you?
No perfect family exists. We all are a bunch of imperfect people. Therefore, it is critical that we develop a habit of deliberately choosing to forgive and accept each other. As a result, we have a happy family around us. It sounds like a farfetched idea, but what is impossible for humans is possible for God. Therefore, bring God to the center of your family affairs.
- What is your favorite Idea of Holidaying?
I love going to places. But I enjoy the beaches the most.? Walking bare feet on the sand with water caressing my feet sets me into a frenzy.
- Why you are participating in Mrs. India Queen of Substance?
I love going to places. But I enjoy the beaches the most.? Walking bare feet on the sand with water caressing my feet sets me into a frenzy.
- What bothers you most about what is happening in the country today?
Although women in our country have immensely contributed to the development of our society yet, they never received the dues they deserve. If you are a woman, it is certain you will face discrimination in our society at all levels. It grieves my heart when I read stories about rape, dowry, and assaults on women's freedom every day.
- The Quote or saying that encourages you?
Arise, Awake, and stop not till the goal is reached.
- What is true “Sportsmanship” for you?
I am extremely competitive and believe in winning. Therefore, I give my best to conquer the challenge. However, I know only the best out of best can win. In moments like those, when results are not in my favour, I accept my opponent as the winner gracefully and with dignity.
- If you were selected as a Charity Ambassador what Value addition would you like to make for our Society and how?
If I were a Charity Ambassador, my goal would be women empowerment in rural as well as urban setup. I would like to meet up like-minded women who have zeal and fervor to bring changes in our society.I would be promoting education among women. I firmly believe, education tackles discrimination efficiently and produces extraordinary results.