- A Brief about yourself and how you describe your own Personality and Persona.
My Self Manju Rawat,35 Years old mother of two children, belonging to Uttarakhand, raise in Delhi now currently live in Ghaziabad (U.P), completed MBA from Amity University, by profession working as an Associate manager accounts and finance in IT company. I have been married 17 yrs. I have always been an achiever, be it academics or professional life or sports or any other field in my life. I believe in success through hard work & dedication. I love dancing, painting, singing and fun-loving person. The most important thing in my life is religious believes moral values & respect for elders. I am a modern thinker but also believe in good values given by our ancestors. I am a progressive thinker & respect for each person ‘s space and values. I like to balance professional & family life. I am the best competitor for myself. Being a woman, motherhood is the best thing for me.
- Your Achievements that make you feel high.
I think every person's achievement aspect is different it depends on how they survive life and how many hurdles they attempt, and which circumstances they live. I am belonging to a middle-class family and I was married just 19 yrs in that time this is a big thing for me that how can I continue my studies after marriage but with fulfilling whole family responsibility I completed my graduation, continued my study I think this is the first achievement for me, after 8 yrs I started a job for financial help for my family and also completed my MBA from Amity, after my childbirth, I never quit my job, It's a second achievement for me. now I am working in an IT company and explore my profile very well. It's my latest achievement that I got selected as a finalist for Mrs. India Queen of substance. The biggest achievement for me that you might be facing failure but that does not bother or affect you mentally and everyone around you is happy with you.
- Define the true beauty.
For me Life, nature women many ways you define beauty. Life is full of beauty; I feel beauty all around me. As human beings “Not your appearance, but your humility and power of love define your beauty”. I think true beauty means to love yourself who you are, not what you look like, living a positive life and helping those who are in need, do something good for your family, society, and nation whenever you get a chance. In my opinion, women are very well defining a beauty, she is the one who is playing many roles in one character with love and care.
- What makes a complete, healthy and happy family for you?
Every family is different. All have their ups and down, moments of happiness and sadness but still inspite of all this, the family which sticks together stay forever. If you talk about me Communication is the best key for happy family, speak on all matters even though you aren’t an expert in many subjects but talk freely without any inhibitions, respect each other, sharing of households tasks, take active part of children’s education and activities, healthy debates on family matters, give space to each other and do your part without complaining and minimize expectations for others.
- What is your favourite Idea of Holidaying?
“Holidays” meaning for me taking a trip with your friends and family away from the monotonous routine of life, stress of work. I think work is an integral part of our lives but due to daily routine of life, we are losing touch with the people we love. I am belonging from Uttarakhand “Devabhumi” literally “land of Gods “so mostly we preferred to spend my holidays in my native place where we meet our siblings is one of the best Idea of holidaying. We regenerate our childhood memories and enjoy food and other tracking activity etc.
- Why you are participating in Mrs India Queen of Substance?
I am excited to participate in Mrs India Queen of Substance, which is not just celebrating womanhood but also encourages married women to fulfill their dreams. Mostly in middle-class families just like me, where lots of women end their dream after marriage they think that can’t chase their dreams after marriage, women’s want to change something in this society and want to work in social cause but they didn’t get right platform and right way where they keep their opinion in front of more number of people. I think Mrs India Queen of Substance help married women to improve their personality and the way they show themselves to the world. Mrs India Queen of Substance given a platform to women represent themselves and express what they feel & think , they give opportunity to be a part of HCWA and give a strong voice in national and international level to increase awareness for noble cause , social evil & education of the underprivilege children. I think that is the big reason for me to participating in Mrs India Queen of Substance.
- What bothers you most about what is happening in the country today?
I am proud to be an Indian. India is a land of diversity. Indian Culture and traditions are something which has now become renowned across the world where women worshipped as goddesses, but women safety is a big cause. Women have to worry about their safety while they make one half of the population. Women is working tremendous in different areas but the fact is that a majority of women feel unsafe not only on the street in night but also in day light, at home, in markets, even though they have learned how to cope with this existential anxiety. Being a Women, rape and violence against women statistics bother me that what is happening in India.
- The Quote or saying that encourages you?
“Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me” quote encourage me most of the time. I think Only you can decide to turn things in your favor if you determined, focused work hard to achieve your dreams.
- What is true “Sportsmanship” for you?
For me, True sportsmanship is the quality of showing fairness, respect, and generosity towards the opposing team or player and for the sport itself when competing. Important fact is that you need to be humble in victory and respect your competitor and their effort and when you lose you must be gracious in defeat.
- If you were selected as a Charity Ambassador what Value addition would you like to make for our Society and how?
If I am selected as a charity ambassador I would like to work towards the education of the underprivileged children, Orphanage, spread awareness against gender inequality and domestic violence. As charity ambassador I will raise awareness of our work through attending events, connect people through this event and encourage other people to connect with us and invite these people for involved in fundraising activity. As charity ambassador, I would be able to show other people, which area we work and how we work and invite people to connect us in many ways, work for future plans that how we increase more funds sources for charity .