- A Brief about yourself and how you describe your own Personality and Persona.
I am clinical psychologist by profession, wife of retired navy soldier and mother of two year old. daughter. I am very confident, well organised, extrovert, kind hearted, loving, family oriented and patriotic by heart. I exercise regularly for physical fitness & my adhering to healthy diet adds to it. I believe in myself and strong admirer of my mamma and papa. I believe in friendship and always keep myself positive, humble and unconventional.
- Your Achievements that make you feel high.
I am very fortunate to achieve my higher education in the psychology, I dreamt and loved. Which made me to achieve many valuable experiences like understanding the hardship of sex workers & trans gender’s life. I feel one of my biggest achievement is to be a master trainer of HIV AIDS counsellors the counselling of psychological disturbed children/adults made me progressive and fairly deconditioned. The greatest achievement for me was to become a mother. The journey from pregnancy to bring forth my child made me realise how special a woman is. I could appreciate mother's struggle in bringing up me, the child.
- Define the true beauty.
In my view, beauty is not simply an appearance, it's what it expresses, too. For me a kind and loving heart is more beautiful than a beautiful face. Beauty is not connected only to body; it’s attributable to nature, work, relations, experience and food also.
- What makes a complete, healthy and happy family for you?
In my view a family is where I can Express my self as I am. A family is where we have different opinions, views but still connected by hearts and admirers each others opinion, respects our freedom and guide us in the right way in what every condition we are.A family is one who holds and stands with us. Above all a relation in a family is a feeling which can be seen in friends, the place we work, and any where we feel connected.
- What is your favourite Idea of Holidaying?
My favourite idea of holidaying is to discover different places with my loved ones. To spend my time in gardening, cooking savoury cuisines, enjoying company of my close friends, indulge in my hobbies for craftwork etc. Infine, I always try to add imagination while spending my holidays.
- Why you are participating in Mrs India Queen of Substance?
Mrs.India Queen of Substance one of the most respectable pageant any women dreams off. To break the stereo thinking that women after marriage and becoming mother can't achieve their dream. To break this I m participating in this pageant.I consider participation in this pageant to be a great learning experience. It sure will improve my social interactions.
- What bothers you most about what is happening in the country today?
I think women safety. Sex selective abortion. Deforestation bothers me a lot
- The Quote or saying that encourages you?
My guruji's saying “ don't bother about the past as you can't change it, don't worry for the future as you don't know instead live in present and make best out of it" This saying keeps me positive and happy.
- What is true “Sportsmanship” for you?
In my view true sportsmanship is competing with good will,no cheating & no shortcuts. If not the winners then it should be a cherished experience and this experience should be our trophy. A true sportsmanship teach us to accept the winner who is the best among us. Accepting the victory of others and our failure is not the end of our journey but its beginning of our journey to prepare more, to learn more, and to grow more.
- If you were selected as a Charity Ambassador what Value addition would you like to make for our Society and how?
Getting this opportunity would lead me to improve:- Women safety by educating the parents and elders on the root cause of women sexual harassment, rapes etc by changing mind-sets of elders. I ll hold work shops to counsel different forums. I would like to educate about the ongoing sex based abortion. It should not be forgotten that Male chromosomes only are responsible to bring forth a boy or girl. A prejudice that only son can look after aged parents is faulty need removal .I will also promote one plantation for every celebration and taking care of it till becomes a tree if not gardening with what ever space you have. A small change can make lots of difference.