- A Brief about yourself and how you describe your own Personality and Persona.
“Life is the most precious gift by Almighty” “Peace and compassion are discipline of Life” “Discipline is not control but means of having the sense to do everything in life the way it just need tobe, not more not less.” I am GargiKar, mother of a 10-year-old handsome. I am 38year young and above lines are guardians of my journey of life. I am a software Engineer by profession. It’s always a right time to start any constructive thing. Having said that I am currently perusing my M.Tech. to coup with the current technology and research. Challenges are the pillar of the rooftop of your life where you breath fresh air of your success.
- You’re Achievements that makes you feel high.
Few of my small achievements I feel happy and proud about are as follows. 1- The love and trust of my son solely bestowed on me by God’s grace. 2- Sports champion throughout my study life. 3- Have represented my state Odisha in the Republic Day Camp being the Sergeant of NCC junior Division platoon in the year 1997. 4- Have raised fund for physically challenged children by organising and participating in fashion parade in the year 2004-05. 5- Have owned positions in Singing, Dancing, Stage play through modern Ramayana. 6- Could organise the intercollege fashion shows during my Btech. by designing, cutting, stitching the costumes and props and formatting the ramp walk being a student. 7- I was the topper in my B.Tech. batch with 8.5 grade points.
- Define the true beauty.
When a child smiles in-between its tears, the silence of a widow & single mother, the lady managing her clothes while getting ready, the man who can cry out hisemotions on her lady’s (mom/friend/wife) arms, the courage of a disabled life(human/animal), the single bloom during a draught, applause from an unknown, a green dish, the smoke of a candle and the smile of a farmer while gathering the paddy are the true beauty of life.
- What makes a complete, healthy and happy family for you?
The place where each member gets the togetherness as and when needed and its own space for any independent decision with respect. - A timely routine for some basic yoga and light workout, selection of daily food and enough sleep and a good intake of liquid and water is the way towards good health. - The dinner time dining space is one of the best way to speak and exchange thoughts among family which is a small and effective way to bring happiness by expressing oneself with rest of the members in family.
- What is your favorite Idea of Holidaying?
To spend a turn wise leisure time according to each member’s choice (outing/stay at home activity/ good food and pampering each other) and area of interest is a good way to let each member of the family happy.
- Why you are participating in Mrs. India Queen of Substance?
The glorious event The Mrs India Queen of Substance is not only a beauty pageant but agateway with a noble motive to nurture and flourishthe substance of very single women by showcasing their strength and their unique way of problem solving skills towards life and society. The above cause was enough to attract my consciousness
- What bothers you most about what is happening in the country today?
I believe the geographical boundaries are set based on the culture, lifestyle and rituals a mass of community follow and said to be one country. When I consider my own country India, I find the main concern which is becoming a threat for our people is the western custom and habits our young generation is following rapidly. Western culture not in the sense of fashion and style but the behaviour towards elders, friends & family members, the food habit and the social approach.
- The Quote or saying that encourages you?
” Everything comes from and goes to nothingness. Nothingness is the only existence and change is the only constant of life. What remain with us forever is the thing which does not exist physically like Love, Compassion, togetherness, forgiveness and time.”
- What is true “Sportsmanship” for you?
You get yourself prepared for your next best shot after failure is the true “Sportsmanship”.
- If you were selected as a Charity Ambassador what Value addition would you like to make for our Society and how?
It would be a pleasure first of all to get selected as one of the charity Ambassador. After being selected so, I would take the opportunity to enhance even better approach towards any possible charitable activities like, education and nourishment to underprivileged, guidance and counselling for jobless, dependent and abandoned widows and single mothers, some steps towards the abandoned old age people following with awareness of our culture, tradition, manners, behaviour and healthy lifestyle to our younger mass. Thank you!