Mrs. S Saxena
- A Brief about yourself and how you describe your own Personality and Persona.
I am a MBA in IT with 15 years of experience in the education sector, married to an Army Officer, Captain Akhilesh Saxena. I am just like water, essential and flexible. I have molded myself in different roles as per the necessity of my family and community. Just after my marriage, my husband fought in the Kargil war and came back with permanent disability. I never felt weak, as for me, duty comes first and the country is above any self-interest. I never allowed any situation to defeat me and took the challenges of life with strong determination. Nationalism, humanity and integrity define the reflection of my persona. I am a caring, adventure loving and a happy person, who strives to make the world a happy place for everyone.
- Your Achievements that makes you feel high.
I have gone through very rough and tough times in life. When a person expects the best days of her life, I have seen the worst. As a newlywed bride, when my husband was leading attacks in the Kargil war, I motivated and encouraged him to give his best, without worrying about myself. He was hit by bullets and got severely injured. I decided to be a pillar of strength for him and left my job. I supported him to regain his mental and physical confidence and establish again in life. The victory of Kargil war is an unforgettable achievement of my life that always gives me a sense of pride.
- Define the true beauty.
Nature is full of beautiful things – dew on a leaf, bright colours of flowers, tall huge trees, mountains, grasslands, seashores, animals, birds and the universe. Little babies of any species are beautiful. But if you ask about humans, in my view, it is the deeds which makes a person beautiful, not the face. For kids, their mother is the most beautiful lady and father the most handsome man. You can like a person because of her/his appearance but you will fall in love only because of the actions of a person. So if someone looks at you with respect and admiration then you are truly beautiful.
- What makes a complete, healthy and happy family for you?
Love, respect and trust is the base of any relationship. Accept your partner with his flaws. No one is perfect and companionship is all about complementing each other. Stand strong with full trust in difficult times. Bad times bring you closer, the memories you will always cherish. Always find quality time for your family members, help them and support them to achieve their goals. Don’t over react on the mistakes of your kids. Believe me, it is the time when they require your love the most. Communicate your sorrows and joys openly with each other.
- What is your favorite Idea of Holidaying?
God has created a beautiful world. I want to trek on mountains, feel the fresh air, dive in the sea, lie down on the green grass land and watch the stars. I feel happy and content whenever I am close to nature. I have travelled to many countries and found South Africa, Norway and Switzerland more fascinating in terms of natural beauty. I love to explore new places, culture, art, craft and local cuisines. I love to meet people and make friends, without any hesitation, across the globe. Adventure activities and the company of family/friends is an essential part of my vacation.
- Why you are participating in Mrs India Queen of Substance?
I am ambitious, determined and always wanted to work for the progress of the nation and the society. Women always support and act as a backbone for their families. They sacrifice their profession and career for the progress of their family members. I want to set an example for all the women, whenever there is a need they can be at the front and lead. For me, this journey of Mrs India – Queen of substance is very important. I have already pushed myself to become a better person and it will contribute more to my personality. The title of Mrs India will give me an identity to motivate many other women to follow their passion and dreams at any stage of life.
- What bothers you most about what is happening in the country today?
Terrorism – the situation is very bad. Terrorists take away small boys from their families and train them to use guns and bombs. They brainwash them and use them as tools or suicide bombs. They are running terrorist camps to destroy human communities. Human values – we are technologically progressing but our human bond is demolishing. The responsibility of a human towards a human is vanishing. Crime has scared us so much that helping a stranger seems like a threat to oneself. Trust of a person is shaken in today’s world.
- The Quote or saying that encourages you?
“You live only once – create your life worth living and an example for othersâ€. This quote always encourages me. Whatever I do, I do with passion and commitment. I believe that if you want to spread light, be a candle. Always be sincere and devoted towards your work and relations.
- What is true “Sportsmanship†for you?
Start by doing what's necessary; then do what's possible; and suddenly you will find yourself doing the impossible. Prepare well and give your best shot. It is all about the game, you either win or learn. Never lose your integrity and appreciate the efforts of the opponent. Always give right advice, even to your competitors.
- If you were selected as a Charity Ambassador what Value addition would you like to make for our Society and how?
I feel education and awareness is the best value which can be added for the betterment of the community. I will impart IT skill to kids and women of our society and contribute to make India the skill capital of the world. Educate everyone about hygiene, cleanliness and importance of education for women. I also aim to bring change in the thinking, actions and vision of our countrymen by combining various educational tools with the inspiring leadership lessons from the war and other sectors of the society. For that, I have started an initiative www.InspiringMantras.com. This is an effort to achieve a society where every citizen works with devotion, integrity and passion, like a soldier and contribute towards the progress of the nation.