Mrs. A Gupta
- A Brief about yourself and how you describe your own Personality and Persona.
Namaste!! The word which best suits to me is ‘Self Made Person’. I am a software developer by profession and my simplicity and kindness describe me the best. I am also very organized and systematic person who likes to make a balance between the personal and professional life. I am a free and independent woman but at the same time I care for people around me. My success doesn’t confine to my own growth but helps the society grow as well. I am a people’s person who finds self satisfaction in supporting others. I am a modern, confident and ambitious woman who wants to be happy and spread happiness around me. I live in the present and like to celebrate each and every moments of my life. Thanks ïŠ
- Your Achievements that makes you feel high.
I grew up in a big family and a small town with lots of hardships and financial difficulties but I took it as a challenge and created milestones for myself at each stage of life. This doesn’t stop me here because I dream big and every day in my life is a beginning to a new opportunity. Knowing about my background and my passion I have always been motivated by my teachers and had been among toppers throughout academics. Because of my leadership qualities I was also elected as a college president during my graduation. Currently I am an established senior software developer in IT industry but I don’t want to stop here and my true achievement would be when I would be able to setup an example and be an idol for the coming generations of women.
- Define the true beauty.
True beauty is about carrying a true heart and a pure soul. Physical beauty might seem impressive but beauty that comes from within has long lasting impact. A woman who carries a beautiful smile and confidence doesn’t need any make up as her attitude and confidence reflects her inner beauty.
- What makes a complete, healthy and happy family for you?
It doesn’t matter if a family is rich or poor, big or small it is only complete and happy when every family member share and care for each other. Sharing is an important aspect which brings the family close together and caring is the root of love and respect. It is very important that the elders of the family incorporate sharing and caring in the day to day life because the young ones in the family learn from what they see more than what they’re taught. As elders it is our responsibility to set up a good example in front of the kids as they are the future of the family and so that they follow the same tradition of caring and sharing even when we are no more there.
- What is your favorite Idea of Holidaying?
I am very thankful I belong to a country with diversity in terms of weather, culture and people. I am very close to nature and my perfect idea of holiday is to go a peaceful place with my family and friends in the mountains or beaches.
- Why you are participating in Mrs India Queen of Substance?
I belong to a very small city where girls don’t have many opportunities and they are surrounded with so many fears so I want to use the platform of Mrs. India Queen of substance to set up an example for them that we are not the slaves of our circumstances and If we really want something in life and ready to struggle we can be anything. I don’t want to talk big but do something big to be a live example for all the women like me.
- What bothers you most about what is happening in the country today?
Women safety is what concerns me the most in the country today. Despite a woman being well educated and independent we doesn’t feel free and safe when we go out and this is what I feel for myself and I am sure a lot of women do the same. We are losing our custom where feminism is celebrated as Goddess and we call our land as Bharat Mata. This is very sad that even women tourists every now and then face the same issue and this brings a very bad name to our country. Even after 70 years of independence we Indian women don’t have our freedom and we feel scared of our own people when we go out.
- The Quote or saying that encourages you?
All I need is a chance.
- What is true “Sportsmanship†for you?
The true sportsmanship spirit for me is to be able to ignore all the negativity around us and still be able to focus toward our goals. In life whenever a person takes an initiative to do something big no doubt a lot of them being extremely talented under estimate themselves because of all the negativity going around them and people giving them reasons why they cannot do it. Only a very small number of people are there who take all the criticism and still carry on with their goals. For example Einstein was thought to be dull and slow but all that criticism didn’t let him stop and he still worked hard and pursued his dreams and today ‘Genius’ is synonym for Einstein.
- If you were selected as a Charity Ambassador what Value addition would you like to make for our Society and how?
There are lot of girls currently in the country who are talented but their families are not financially strong for them to be able to pursue their dreams. I want to support these girls financially as much as I can even though I know it’s not possible for a single person to sponsor everyone so my main focus would be visiting school, colleges and illiterate families in the villages and making them aware about the charities, NGOs, Government policies for girls so that they can have some awareness and get some financial support or at least I will provide them guidance to get higher education in less expense and with extra hard work.