Finalist Detail 2018

Mrs. G Juneja

  • Pune
  • A Brief about yourself and how you describe your own Personality and Persona.
  • My name is Geetanjali Juneja,I am 33 years of age, based out of Pune city, which is also called'Oxford of the East’.I am a Quality Lead by Profession in a Global IT company where I lead multiple teams,I am a dancer by Passion and a blogger by choice. I have been an All-rounder since my childhood, and my accomplishments include a Gold medal in Computer Science Engineering, an MBA in IT and active participation in sport activities like aerobics andbasketball. I am a multi tasker,an avid traveler and a focused person who believes in pursuing dreams into reality. I am married for 7.5 years , mother of a 6 year old son Adhvikand my husband is my best friend, who supports and encourages me in all my dreams. Motherhood has added new dimension to my thoughts and made me much more experimental, as it is rightly said that Kids can teach us many important lessons of life.

  • Your Achievements that makes you feel high.
  • Being blessed with loving and supporting parents, who have always encouraged me to live my dreams, one important lesson they have taught me is that the only way to success is, hard-work and dedication. I always follow this life lesson and it has enabled me to achieve all my dreams, that includes strong academic performance like winning scholarships, achieving Gold Medal in Computer Science Engineering , completing my MBA in IT with distinction. When one is a firm believer of hard work & passionate about taking new challenges the efforts are rewarded and appreciated in all spheres of life and I take pride that as a technology professional my work has always been rewarded and recognized by my organization. My biggest accomplishment has been to successfully achieve a balance in creating a happy home,nurturing my kid to be a good human being, while working towards my career goals and fulfilling my dreams.

  • Define the true beauty.
  • Beauty is attractive and true beauty is that shines from within. Essentially true beauty resides in someone who is compassionate, has a pure heart, a beautiful soul and is harmless.External beauty may fade away one day, but if you shine from within, if you are kind towards others, if you can feel other's pain and heal it, then that is the essence of a true beauty. As an example Saint Mother Teresa for me is the Epitome of true beauty. A person who is beautiful from inside, is a source of positive energy for many others who are less fortunate. Working to uplift the downtrodden sections of society and creating a healthy and safe environment around us is true beauty.Be a magnet of so much positive energy and happiness that it alleviates others pain and sufferings.

  • What makes a complete, healthy and happy family for you?
  • We all understand family as parents , kids, grand parents and extended relatives in a traditional sense but for me the definition of family comes from a Sanskrit Shloka'Vasudev Katumbakam'which means ‘the world is one family’ . A complete, healthy and happy family is the one that has mutual respect,admiration, trust,humility and gratitude towards each other. So a world in which we can have respect for diverse ideas, cultures , preferences, gender , food habits and dressing styles amongst many other different things but still live and stay amicably under one roof of mother earth is a key ingredient of healthy , happy and complete family . If all of us strive to create a safe and clean environment , spend time with elders , encourage youngsters to follow dreams and passions, appreciatehumor , share spiritual ideas, travel without fear , are active in sports , believe in innovation and technology then we will make our world a complete, healthy and happy family.

  • What is your favorite Idea of Holidaying?
  • Holiday for me is to spend quality time with family, either at home or outside. If I am holidaying outside I like to stay close to nature, and preferably with No-Gadgets. It is about exploring the place, meeting new people, trying to learn local language,culture, different cuisines, and appreciating their heritage. I like to collect Souvenirs from the places I visit to cherish the memories forever.

  • Why you are participating in Mrs India Queen of Substance?
  • So far I have lived an accomplished life, by being a Gold Medalist in Computer Science Engineering, completing my MBA with distinction, leading and representing multiple teams in my company as a face of business, being a mother , playing and spending time with my kid , sharing laughter and thoughts with my husband. I like to explore unchartered territories by getting out of my comfort zone. As a human being I would like to influence and impact things that matter to the society and this is a great platform where women can express their voice and ideas and connect with global organizations that work to address social issues. In addition, tobecome a princess is every girl's dream and now I want to pursue and live that dream. This platform provides the right opportunity, here you win the crown not just for external beauty but if you shine from within, and that for me is the real ‘Queen of Substance’.

  • What bothers you most about what is happening in the country today?
  • I believe safety of women and kids continues to be a major concern in our country. Every day we hear about rapes, sexual abuse and it not only affects women but also small kids and toddlers . Infacteven the most respected and trusted institution Schools at times are not safe these days. I want to contribute in eradicating this problem from the society. Other issues which require attention are acceptance of divergent viewpoints, currently the person in a higher hierarchy and power can easily suppress the weaker sections and their thoughts. Living in a democratic country, everybody should be able to able to exercise freedom of speech and we should respect each individual's thoughts whether we agree or disagree.Another issue is we should treat LGBT community with respect, compassion and empathy asSexual orientation is an individual choice .

  • The Quote or saying that encourages you?
  • 'Belief in yourself and hard work is the key to achieve your dreams', this quote not only describes me but also motivates and encourages me always .Whatsoever I have achieved in my life so far, is due to sheer determination and efforts .We should never compare ourselves with others, as God has created each one of us in our own unique way. In our journey of life we should carve our own path with all sincerity without really fretting about results. This way we will either achieve our goals or will gain experiences. Focus on our own improvisations will help us to become better to finally achieve our dreams one day.

  • What is true “Sportsmanship” for you?
  • PV Sindhu, the badminton champion is a great sportsperson from India since she has always given her best and brought laurels to our country.She has often made strong comeback and won games even from the jaws of defeat. True sportsmanship is to always give your best, never be afraid of challenges fair play, remaining undaunted even in case of failures and learning from mistakes. Winning or losing any competition hasequal probability and it isimportant to be humble either in success or in failure. We should never give up due to fear of losing but it is important that we learn from our experiences and strive to improve each day.

  • If you were selected as a Charity Ambassador what Value addition would you like to make for our Society and how?
  • Belonging to the technology industry, having a strong academic background, and being a doting mother, I would like to leverage these strengths and add value to the society in my role as a charity ambassador. I would like to focus on women empowerment, child education, enabling differently abled kids and adults and help people affected by cancer which is a life threatening disease. I would like to engage on these areas with corporates, like-minded individuals and technology companies to create awareness and with their combined power along with innovationthrough technology we can create a significant & positive impact to the lives of millions of affected people. .

Finalist Detail 2018

Mrs. G Juneja

  • Gurgaon
  • A Brief about yourself and how you describe your own Personality and Persona.
  • Confident, amiable, spiritual, adventurous, fitness freak and a diehard optimist with a generous heart & a dash of creativity are the words that lend support to throw light on my attributes, but the layers of my personality can be unleashed by enumerating the roles I shoulder upon. Donning many hats like being a loving mother of two beautiful daughters nurturing them with values and ethics to make them better human beings and being a loving wife, a caring and supportive daughter and daughter in law and a true friend in need. My professional curve too is a well molded one as I began my innings as a banker (ICICI Bank) after MBA and then switched over to now being a psychologist (MA psychology). My giving up of my flourishing banking career to look after my daughters had been a blessing in disguise as I utilized the bestowed time to follow my dream of being a clinical psychologist and also to fulfil my passion of writing and become an influencer. Being born to a loving Punjabi family I had lived mostly in Punjab and majority of my schooling and higher studies had been done in the city beautiful Chandigarh and I got married there only. Now we have been relocated to Gurgaon due to work commitments of my husband. An elder daughter who always was trained to be a go getter with a firm faith in grit & determination and an ardent believer that everyone is special and unique, aids me to bring to the table these values to help others in need. A journey till now with ups and downs with every up leaping me to great heights and every down enriching me to be my better self.

  • Your Achievements that makes you feel high.
  • Achievements are the milestones which aspire us to unleash our true potential. As a banker I got the “Change Agent” trophy due to my implementation of many pilot projects in my branch such as Five S and Siebel. Being rated 1 in all the years of my banking career uplifted my career as well as my morale. Now I am receiving accolades from people who are following my articles on my page “Mirror Musings” written to help them on child abuse, autism, anxiety and child issues like blue whale and how to deal with it and lifestyle issues. This motivates me to write and influence. Shortly I am going to be launching my YouTube channel to convey speeches on mental health. But above all this one achievement I’m really proud of when I took decision of giving priority to my daughters and family over my flourishing career and it makes on the top of the world when my daughters call me best mom ever.

  • Define the true beauty.
  • Nature and intention of a person defines true beauty. True beauty is skin deep and relates to the aura one carries thereof due to his or her deeds. Soul represents the true beauty as it is everlasting. A beautiful mind who thinks good about others , a warm heart which gives blessings to all and kind hands which gives plenty to the unprivileged ones constitutes true beauty which glows within.

  • What makes a complete, healthy and happy family for you?
  • It’s been rightly said that a family that eats together stays together. Sharing each other’s day happenings helps everyone in the family to bond with each other over healthy and sumptuous food. Happy family constantly makes efforts to spend quality time with each other and nurtures each other through exchange of encouraging words in difficult times, through inculcating and enforcement of right values and principles and last but not the least by being there for each other unconditionally.

  • What is your favorite Idea of Holidaying?
  • I am a well-travelled person who always want to go on covering the world as it propelled me to learn about people and culture at other places in the world. As a person who always had quest for spirituality, earlier I would think only place is important for best holiday, but my bent of mind changed when I discovered that it’s not the place which is important for having best holiday but the right state of mind that is when you feel calm and at peace. One can be sitting amidst the most scenic and serene beauty but still not at peace, thus keeping happiness at bay. I personally feel peaceful and happiest with my family and loved ones, being in healthy body and minds where we eat, love and pray together wherever that might be. That’s my idea of a holiday. On the top of it if I could learn about other people and their culture ,that becomes icing on the cake.

  • Why you are participating in Mrs India Queen of Substance?
  • Mrs. India queen of Substance has the credibility of being the best pageant for the married woman as it is fair and provides further opportunities to present our country on International platforms. Being a patriotic I would love to represent my country and do it proud. Secondly this platform would help me to be a role model for others and would provide innumerable opportunities to me as I want to reach out more people as a psychologist through writing and through YouTube helping them with their problems pertaining to mental health and lifestyle.

  • What bothers you most about what is happening in the country today?
  • Firstly I would like to begin it by saying that our country has come a long way with its technological and infrastructure development. Corruption and poverty are the two big evils which our existing government is making an effort to do away with the schemes like demonetization & Sabka Saath sabka vikas. But the safety of women and children is what is alarming for me. Today it’s unsafe for women and children everywhere. There is need to develop stringent laws to punish the offenders as where values don’t work fear would. Women reservation would not do us that much favour as providing safe environment and right to education would.

  • The Quote or saying that encourages you?
  • “ Faith can move mountains” is the quote which encourages me day in and out to follow my dreams and aspirations. It motivates me to believe in the power that lay inside each one of us and if we believe in it we can overcome all the difficulties and achieve our desired goals.

  • What is true “Sportsmanship” for you?
  • Being a sportsperson ( state level basketball player) since childhood made me tough not only body wise but mentally too. Loosing and winning is the order of the day. One should be prepared for both. Take success with modesty and failures with learnings & opportunity to be one’s better self.

  • If you were selected as a Charity Ambassador what Value addition would you like to make for our Society and how?
  • Charity is very close to my heart as it is a part of my being to be kind and of any help to people around. I was already devoting time to teaching and fulfilling books/fees/ conveyance to school requirements of needy children near my home in a park. I would like to lay efforts towards child education, welfare and care and would devote my time & attention and resources to the accomplishment of goals towards their welfare as a charity ambassador. Asking for help from other privileged people to provide financial or other support to the underprivileged can also be endeavored.
