Mrs. A Varshney
- A Brief about yourself and how you describe your own Personality and Persona.
I am 33 years old happily married woman blessed with 2 daughters. By profession I am whatever the demand of an hour is. I have been a sincere homemaker in a joint family and also a working woman, balanced both my work and home with love and faithfulness. The cornerstone of my every small or great success is my confidence. I am blessed with a positive “aura†that I use to spread around me. I am very helpful person. My smile is my biggest asset and my powerful weapon. In short I would say I am a person with altruistic persona, unselfishly generous.
- Your Achievements that makes you feel high.
I was married at the age of 19, even though I managed myself and my family with love and maturity. Being the eldest daughter in law of the family I wholeheartedly devoted initially my life for my family. I gained 25 kg weight during pregnancy but my determination towards fitness made me a part of this prestigious pageant. Today as a mother I am doing my best. My elder daughter is playing Lawn Tennis Nationals. As a teacher I have always been a facilitator and mentor. I received best teacher’s award too. I have an immense experience of winning hearts. I wish my next achievement is the title of MIQS.
- Define the true beauty.
The word beauty means combination of qualities. External qualities like complexion, height, body structure. Whereas internal qualities or say inner beauty is having beautiful soul than just a beautiful body. For me the true beauty is the inner beauty. Being compassionate and having good heart are some virtuous traits of true beauty. For example, positivity, faithfulness, friendliness, generous, considerate, affectionate, power of forgiveness, having respect and love for everyone. Having an urge to help others for no benefit is a beauty. Today’s upgraded technologies and saloons can make any one look externally beautiful. But the beauty of soul is divine.
- What makes a complete, healthy and happy family for you?
A family in which love and respect has more place than ego is a healthy and happy family. A family that spends time together, eats together and most importantly takes decisions together is a healthy family. My personal experience says a family where there is no gender discrimination is actually a healthy family. Family sharing an emotional bond can face any difficult challenges with zeal of togetherness. My family is a conservative family; still my in-laws respect new thoughts of new generation and try their best to balance their decisions in favor of all. We in return follow their guidelines with respect.
- What is your favorite Idea of Holidaying?
It completely depends on the budget avail for holidays. A bare fact is happiness lies when you are with your loved ones. “Jungle mein bhi mangalâ€. So if I am allowed to spend a big amount I would like to take my old age relatives to abroad who have never been there and not even travelled in an air flight. Frankly speaking if budget is an issue I would go to Bihariji with my family with homemade “poori and aaloo ki sabziâ€. I have an obvious love for shopping. Wherever I will get an opportunity I will shop. I personally admire places with natural beauty.
- Why you are participating in Mrs India Queen of Substance?
I believe I deserve this title because I am a combination of beauty with brain and heart with values. This prestigious title will give me more influential power and confidence with the help of which I can make certain changes in the society. I want my daughters to realize the value of achievement. Last but not the least I want to break the stigma of a “male oriented Indian society†and want to prove that even a married woman who has several family and social obligations can move ahead to enhance and achieve her own dreams while balancing her world.
- What bothers you most about what is happening in the country today?
The golden sparrow India, has innumerable under privileged people. Imbalance of wealth and education in India bothers me lot. If actually every post holding politician and a government employee works with full faith, my country will be a better place. Education plays vital role either economically or socially for the growth of any country. All major issues like poverty, unemployment, corruption and imbalance of wealth are directly or indirectly connected to education. Another big botheration is the discrimination between males and females. An act which is status symbol for a man in this country is sin for woman. For example, a boy celebrating his bachelor’s night with his friends and relatives is a status symbol and a girl dancing as an artist in the same night is a down market girl. Women empowerment is just a topic of debate, nothing else.
- The Quote or saying that encourages you?
“An eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind†quoted by Gandhi Ji. I strongly believe that revenge ends up to damage and only damage. It’s always nice if things work out fairly and on positive note. Forgiveness is answer for the same. If we keep punishing the offender, then we are no better than the offender. In the whole “you can’t stop violence with violenceâ€. Spreading happiness and love irrespective of what others think and deserve is actually something divine. In my real life I am adamant to this thought, my smile and my let go attitude has helped me numerous times without harming other’s emotions. Happiness, hatred and anger multiply if shared or spread…..
- What is true “Sportsmanship†for you?
For me true sportsmanship is a spirit of fair participation in any activity adheres to ethics and policies. It is a gesture where the winner is humble and respects the competitor. This is really a truth that participation with true sportsmanship is more important than winning or losing. I personally participate to learn, I participate to expose my talent, I participate to make my people feel proud for me, I participate to win but not to beat anyone. This is my attitude and sportsmanship.
- If you were selected as a Charity Ambassador what Value addition would you like to make for our Society and how?
“It’s not how much we give, it’s about how much love we put into giving†By … Mother Teresa. I feel this is the essence of charity. Let us not be satisfied by just giving money or any other materialistic things. They aren’t enough. Whatever a man has in super abundance is owed to the society and is not deemed as charity. I believe in eternal soulful charity. I wish to charitize my time, my efforts and my knowledge in rendering education to under privileged people. I can spend healthy time with people who need attention; I can narrate motivating stories to them. I can bring smile on their faces……. This will be my contribution towards society.