Reena Chavan
- A Brief about yourself and how you describe your own Personality and Persona.
Hi, I am Reena Chavan from Mumbai. I am 37 year old; married andblessed with two kids, one daughter and one son. I am a Homemaker and also help my husband in his business. I have done my Diploma Engineering in Electronics and Telecommunication and having a Passion of Driving and Gymnastics.I would like to think of myself as a simple and Down to Earth person. I am a combination of Modern Woman with flair of Traditionswithin myself.
- Your Achievements that makes you feel high.
There are a number of Achievements in my life which have made me feel high and proud. I was always standing by my in laws (Mother and Father in law) during their difficult times and did my level best. And apart from this I always supported my family in all phases in life and always succeeded in coming out with flying colors. My capability of doing Gymnastics at this age also makes me feel high and motivating. I am able to keep myself fit, healthy, flexible and presentable with doing these physical activities. I always believe in “Healthy mind does live in a Healthy bodyâ€.
- Define the true beauty.
According to me true beauty is not only the outer presence or physical appearance. One should be a good human being having a good heart and soul. With your good behavior… you can win many hearts. Humbleness is also a part of true beauty that can define the person’s attitude and the way of thinking for others.
- What makes a complete, healthy and happy family for you?
A complete, happy and healthy family is not the one that just live under one roof; there should be a cohesive bonding of love, affection, caring and togetherness between everyone. For me Family is my top priority and I am doing my level best to insure this in my family.
- What is your favourite Idea of Holidaying?
My favorite idea of Holidaying is spending quality time with family and friends. I would encourage my family especially to my kids that the time spent in holidaying is free of electronic gadgets, mobile phone and laptop. I would love to go on adventurous off-roading drive in desert with an SUV as I am passionate about Driving.
- Why you are participating in Mrs India Queen of Substance?
I am here in Mrs India Contest to create an identity for myself and having a dream to be a part of beauty Pageantssince my childhood.I want to serve for the society especially for kids and women. I would like to give the message to the women of this society through this contest that they shouldn’t leave the hope in tough situations; they are the strength of their family. I would say we “Women†are the most precious and beautiful gift created by the God in this world, we are important to the society. In the workforce and in the home
- What bothers you most about what is happening in the country today?
The day by day increasing Population of country is also a major concern. And just add about the current affairs “Demonetization†in the country, which has been implemented by the central Government, sounds to be a good move, but I am still afraid by its implementation and overall impact on the Indian economy as cash being an integral component of business; going on since edges, it would bedifficult to make entire India work cashless or digital as majority of people in country are not literate.
- The Quote or saying that encourages you?
The Quote “Do or Die†from Mahatma Gandhi encourages me a lot. I believe in two options, you either do it or die. Now a days human life has become so tough in every aspect, it’s like we have lost in a dessert, there is a Do or Die situation for us to survive.
- What is true “Sportsmanship†for you?
True “Sportsmanship†for me means not only taking part in sports and playing the game in conformity with the rules prescribed but it should be played with hard works, morals, value and self-dignity. Winning and Losing is the part of every game but whoever wins it with hard work that’s only the true Victory and true Sportsmanship, nobody can win with true victory using shortcuts and depraved Sportsmanship.
- If you were selected as a Charity Ambassador what Value addition would you like to make for our Society and how?
As a Charity Ambassador I would like to fight against “Child Labor†which is the most burning issue in the society. I am strongly against it. I feel very sad when I see a small girl or boy working for somebody else due to their family financial crises. They are just spoiling their childhood and future. Taking it as a major concern I would like to set up a small school or an organization wherein they can get the basic education and freedom to play games and do other activities to grow physically and mentally both, and enjoy their childhood at the fullest. Ultimately the healthy and proper grown-up children are the next Future of our country. It has to be done in an effective way.