- How you describe your own Personality and Persona.
My name RITU means different seasons,same as I am.Full of different characterers and roles I play.I have strong,interesting and attractive personality with always be positive (as my blood group B+ ïŠ )attitude.I am someone with dynamic,changeable and vibrant persona.I would say I’m someone who has high expectations from the life.I’m the mother of three beautiful and naughty daughters.They are my strength and weakness too. As being the Director in my manufacturing unit,I always stay active and disciplined way to set an example to be followed by others.I’m self made person who takes responsibility for their actions when things go wrong.I don’t look for outside forces to blam.Pointing fingures sloves nothing.I’m someone with tons of positive energy and always cheerful which helps me control any situation.Everyday I work hard to make my company more successful with stronge leadership and vision.I also keep improving myself and skills day by day.I’m someone with very creative mind which also makes me real team player.I’m also famouse in my city for various work I do and have a huge fan club for my Nail Art designs.I can unite people around a vision and motivate them to excellence.I really enjoy meeting and working with lot of different people and am known for being a great listner and clear communicator.
- Your achievements that make you feel high?
I have an extraordinary vision of life.I have struggled a lot in my life.One phase of life came to me in such a manner where I wanted to end up my life.I was totally hopeless but suddenly I realized that I am going to be a Mother and for that I have to be stronge enough.From that day I kept myself boosting every moment no matter how hard it has been.Now I’m the proud mother of three gorgeous daughters with speaking loud against female foeticide.Being the first lady enterperneur in auto tube industry and working pan India was not so easy.In the field of sales and marketing which is supposed to be men world I have made my own place.I also received the best president award from Innerwheel club and also nine other awards from the district.I feel honoured when media and newpaper puts me on their favourite list.I am also the cover face and brand ambassdore of the nobel “Bringing back Loveâ€.I also feel much high when my friends and relatives and specialy my daughters says that “I’m their role model and I always inspire themâ€.This makes my eyes glittery and full of tears.
- Define the true beauty.
People are like stained window glass.They sparkle and shine when the sun is out,but when darkness is around the only true beauty will light.In other words true beauty is like a diamond in the coal mines.True beauty is reflected in the person’s heart warming smiles and self confidence.The true beauty is how you face the life and how you bounce back when life hits you down.
- Do you consider yourself to be a giver or taker?
I would consider myself to be a giver more then a taker because when I give something I give it with whole my heart not thinking of getting back anything in return. As a taker I love to have knowledge and inspirations from others.
- What is your favourite Idea of Holidaying?
Holiday word itself brings great joy and happiness to everyone. I love holidaying with my loved ones.Exploring new places specialy close to the nature is my favourite one.I’m nature lover so sometimes I also love to be alone with it.Being very close to the nature fills me with new spirit to face the challenges and live the life at it’s best.
- Why you are participating in Mrs India Queen of Substance?
This pageant is not just the competition for me,it is my passion and through this I will take my achievements to the next level and make my family more proud of me. Mrs.India Queen of Substance is the platform which gives the wings to we such ladies who dreams to touch the sky with self identity. Marriage is not the end of passion we have,we can still transform ourselves because sky is the limit. I would love to motivate the women from this platform who generally says “shaadi ho gayi,ab kuch nahi kar sakteâ€â€¦awake up ladies.
- If you were given the chance to live again, what would it be?
God has been very kind to me always, I’m thankful to him. If I were given the chance to live again I would have a new body but my soul would be the same. The soul being ME with all the knowledge that I have gained and would try to gaine more and more of it, because without knowledge there is no use of life. I would also love to work hard to make the world more better place to live in. Heaven is not somewhere else,it is here on the Earth. I would explore all the beautiful places before I die.
- The quote or saying that encourages you .
I’m a self motivator so there are many quates that always inspire me but among those few I would love to share here.. *The beautiful thing about fear is when you run to it,it runs away. *when you most feel like giving up is when you most need to be going on. *When we give up our dreams we die while still alive.
- Many teenagers and youngsters are bullied worldwide for having
Everyone has encountered a bully at some point.The hardest things are done by strongest people,it is only the weak that takes the easy way.Never ever underestimate yourself because you are the best creation of God.Express yourself, express your feelings,stay positive, stay healthy,gaine more knowledge.Be stronge and Be brave.Value yourself because true beauty lies deep in your heart.
- If you were selected as a Charity Ambassador what Value addition would you like to do for our Society and how? Why do you think giving back to society is important?
I have been associated with Innerwheel club which is a sister concern of Rotary International.For the year 2012-13 and then in 2013-14 I received many awards for the good work I have done for the society.Started the stitching center for the poor women n handicapped,donations to the baalbari n stationaries to the village schools,Construction of washrooms in the school,distributed the machines and wheel chairs to the needy,free medical camps etc are the few good deeds done by me.I have adopted two girl child for their education since two years because I believe the education is the answer to all the social evils happening.As a Charity Ambassadore if I am selected I would be organizing more awareness camps,more free medical camps,more tree plantation much much more can be done in each field with keeping the education and hygiene on the top priorities.I have also planed to donate my eye and other organs after my death,which will help someone to live again. It feels good,Giving back reminds you of how lucky you are.Giving back is were you give and then nothing happens.No benefits for you,no recognition,that you’ve made a significant change in someone’s life.And if not significant then a positive change ofcourse. Also from we people is the society and from the society is the nation.