- How you describe your own Personality and Persona.
I am vivacious, stylish, fun loving girl who is ambitious, confident , well determined and optimistic by nature. As a human being, I am very empathetic, compassionate and generous. I represent the strong independent woman of modern India who is self opinionated and has a pragmatic approach towards various dimensions of life.
- Your achievements that make you feel high.
I am a doctor by profession and God has bestowed upon me the ability to heal the suffering of others. Endurance, patience, tolerance and selfless service are my biggest assets. My most significant accomplishment in life is myself. Who and what I am today is a product of my past sacrifices and mistakes. I am proud of myself and will continue to be the best of what I can be as a person I believe that what is with me is a God’s gift to me and what I do with it will be my gift to God.
- Define the true beauty.
True beauty of a woman is reflected by cleanliness of spirit, pureness of heart and soul and goodness of deeds and actions.True beauty believes that reason can conquer hatred and maturity can replace prejudice. True beauty gives society an affirmation that denied rights and discrimination based upon race, caste/creed or sex is an outdated idea.
- Do you consider yourself to be a giver or taker?
I believe woman is more active as giver than taker. Woman hood is an essence that nurtures life with patience and tolerance. It converts the life from a single cell to a full grown individual. Woman teaches the society what the selfless service is actually about. Women are more emotional than men but I believe that being sensitive is our inner strength. It is hard to be a woman and we are always clothed in strength, dignity and pride.
- What is your favourite Idea of Holidaying?
Holidaying means spending quality time for yourself, family and friends to start a new refreshed phase of life. It helps in rejuvenation and reincarnation of soul and mind. Travelling to different places gives you colorful experiences and unforgettable memories that person cherishes throught out his life.. These happy moments keep us going through thick and thin times of life.
- Why you are participating in Mrs India Queen of Substance.
This pageant is about celebration of inner beauty that acknowledges and honors the true essence of womanhood. It will help me find the new dimensions of my life and make a difference to society This platform will help me to promote various livelihood activities by various organizations for economically weaker sections of society as I believe poverty happens when people stop caring for one another. This pageant will help me grow personally and help me achieve confidence and self esteem.
- If you were given the chance to live again, what would it be?
If I were given the chance to live again, it would still be me. Because I believe that there is space in somebody’s heart that I alone could fill. There’s sound in the world that I alone could make. There’s a purpose in world that I alone could fulfill. I am being sent by almighty for a purpose to make my parents happy and proud.
- The quote or saying that encourages you .
“ Never mess with life’s simplicity†I think that life is beautiful, we should cherish each and every moment of our life. We should live and let others live happily. We should find the beauty and goodness behind every action of God. I truly believe that whatever happens, happens for a reason. we should keep ourselves happy and satisfied.
- Many teenagers and youngsters are bullied worldwide for having
Bullying is a type of violence that threatens the person’s well being. It results in emotional, physical and social difficulties. The harmful effect is felt by family and friends. My message to such youngsters is that beauty is never measured in attributes. We all should accept the flaws we have because nobody in this world is perfect. We should be happy and mentally strong. we should think that we are giving someone the reason for a smile in a world of sorrow. As a society we should work on supervision of students in schools and colleges and teach them the various behavior management techniques. It will happen if there is cooperation amongst various sections of society.
- If you were selected as a Charity Ambassador what Value addition would you like to do for our Society and how? Why do you think giving back to society is important?
Since I am a doctor by profession, I have in-depth knowledge of root cause of the health problems of the society. My ability to heal others, confidence and convincing aura of beauty and persuasive nature will make our charity mission successful. I am responsive and helpful to the needy so I will perform my duty actively as a ambassador of goodwill. I wish to work for economically weaker sections of society whether its related to their rights, education, health and food. As we grow as an individual, there comes a level of maturity in our thoughts and actions. Sooner or later, We all realize that good deeds do give a sense of satisfaction and happiness to our spirit. Justice to people in terms of their rights to live equally inspite of their economic and social differences is the biggest gift we can give to humankind. A person can make a difference , together we can bring a change. We can make a world a better place to live in by a sense of sacrifice and love.