- How you describe your own Personality and Persona.
I am an independent thinking, confident, and determined individual and I like to pursue my goals wholeheartedly. I possess a balance of a logical mind and a compassionate heart. I like spreading happiness and positivity around me and bringing smiles and joy to people. For me my family is my utmost priority. I am a nature and animal lover. I love adventure and outdoors and trying new things excites me. I am extremely fun loving and possess a go - getter attitude. I take my time to get to know people around me, I can be quiet at first but once the trust factor is achieved you’ll have to remind me to shut up. I think I come across as a positive minded and warm person who is unassuming and affectionate towards others.
- Your achievements that make you feel high.
The experience of winning the prestigious crown of Sananda Tilottama at the age of 18 was a big high for me as a young girl and that paved my way for a lot of fame and a successful modelling career. It also inspired many other young girls back home to follow their dreams just like me. Thereafter I consider getting through my law exams while I was expecting my son Prithvi as another significant personal achievement as during that period my academic pursuits were constantly clashing with my pregnancy. But Achievement in the true sense has always been much more than just material or financial reward for me. Becoming a mother in December 2013 was a most fulfilling and rewarding moment for me as a woman and I cherish the birth of my child as a blessing from God.
- Describe the true Beauty?
As I grown older and my physical appearance changes, is my self-worth going to diminish over time? I look towards the people in my life that I love, my husband, my son, my parents, siblings and close friends. Their familiar faces, their genuine smiles and kind gestures, the warmth I receive when my loved ones embrace me and I realize that each one of them has an inner beauty, a unique character and radiance that make them who they are. I see them as truly beautiful and these people view me as beautiful. I recognize that my true beauty shines from expressing myself and from the joy I experience in daily life. For me, true beauty comes from living fully, being who I am within, and experiencing and appreciating the beauty in every little thing all around me. I embrace individuality and believe that every individual is beautiful in his own way.
- Do you consider yourself to be a giver or taker?
I would consider myself a giver and a taker. It is love and affection that I wish to give and take abundance of joy and contentment in return. Personally speaking it doesn’t take much to be a giver, just a willingness to share without expecting a reward. This is a value trait that I have received from my parents who have cared and looked after my best interests as I was growing up and infused in me the belief that we are ourselves responsible for the world we live in.
- What is your favourite Idea of Holidaying?
The favourite idea of holidaying for me is to let go of the regular and the mundane and head for an idyllic, laid back and fun destination with my family where one doesn’t need to conform to any set rules and norms of a routine life. For that my mind instinctively thinks of a beach destination that gives me all of the above and more. The sparkling rays of the sun, scenic beauty of the sand and sea coupled and the water sport activities that one can take part is a tempting enough lure for me.
- Why you are participating in Mrs India Queen of Substance?
The Mrs. India Queen of Substance contest is the most Respectable Title for Married Women in India. I love the spirit of pageant competitions because it involves healthy competition and gives women a chance to gain confidence, test our abilities, recognise our strengths and weaknesses and most importantly it helps one achieve a sense of fulfilment. I would not only like to live this journey and cherish this one time experience for a lifetime by being a participant in this pageant but also win it so that I can be a role model, an inspiration and a positive influence to many other beautiful women out there to come ahead and follow their dreams. It would also be a great honour to represent my country on national and international platforms for a greater cause to the best of my abilities. I believe that the Mrs India Queen of Substance contest would provide me a platform to do all of the above and much more.
- If you were given the chance to live again, what would it be?
In this present lifetime things have happened that have put me in the current phase of life that I am in. And I feel very glad to say that it is a very happy and content life to be in, with no regrets and disappointments or envy of someone else’s looks, life, wealth ,fame or whatsoever in particular. For I believe that life is a blessing and it is the gift of choice that makes us choose which path to take. I do nurture my aspirations and ambitions of having a successful career, achieving my dreams and reaching greater heights. I wish to continue living this happy life with my loving family as it means nothing less than the universe to me. So with a life so good as perfect that I share with my dearest husband and my little heartbeat- my son, I would not ask for anything else but the chance to live this very life again.
- The Quote or saying that encourages you?
‘We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.’ It is a quote I treasure. Mostly, because it reminds one that it is really up to us. That achievements and success require hard work. That our life’s control is within our grasp if we want it and that excellence is earned by blood and sweat and is not inherited. The quote is attributed to Will Durant who wrote it while summing up the philosophy of Aristotle in his book, The Story of Philosophy.
- Many teenagers and youngsters are bullied worldwide for having .
My message to these young people would be to let them know that perfection is an illusion and being perfect or imperfect is only in the minds of the people. The people who taunt and bully you for an aspect of your looks are merely trying to prevent you from achieving your true potential and in return trying to boost their alter ego for they are the ones who are insecure about themselves. Our existence here on Earth is too short to live under the shallow premise of being perfect. What is important is to believe in and love yourself for who you are including all the positive and negative in us because that is what sets us unique as an individual. So throw caution to the wind and embrace your imperfections. Celebrate your attitude, make most of your learning years and unlock the unlimited potential that each one of you have by first embracing your imperfections as it is just that which makes us beautiful.
- If you were selected as a Charity Ambassador what Value addition would you like to do for our Society and how? Why do you think giving back to society is important?
If I had to choose one particular area where value addition can bring a positive change in our society it would be in the field of promoting education for the girl child. Although many years have passed since we became independent as a country but the birth of a girl child is still perceived as a misfortune in many households. Education is a step in liberating a girl child from the shackles of unwanted social stigmas and clearing the misconception that a girl is a financial burden on her parents. Education empowers the girl child to make her own choice with dignity as an individual of the society. Education can grant a girl child access to equal opportunities in all the fields and strata and hence help her shine with her true worth. Each individual is part of the society where he or she resides. A strong community with a high quality of life means a safer and healthier life for the individual in particular and the society as a whole. Therefore giving back to the society in whichever small or big way possible will only enrich our own lives as it makes the society that we are part of a better and stronger one. Above all we must remember that as we pass on our children inherit what we leave and society is very much a part of it. When a society prospers every individual living in it prospers with it. A change for the better cannot come overnight. It takes many years and efforts to bring about a positive change. Even a little contribution by every individual will count and will help in bringing about a bigger change to fight the social problems and drawbacks that a society faces as a whole. So for a better and prosperous tomorrow we need to start from today.