- How you describe your own Personality and Persona.
I am a person who has high expectations from myself. I am confident while being modest at the same time. I'm willing to learn and listen to others. This helps me to constantly improve myself at every level. I'm known to be a perfectionist looking into the minutest detail to ensure that each & every task assigned to me is completed with the utmost perfection. Finally, I do not shirk or run away when things go wrong. I take it as a challenge to find a solution and resolve the situation.
- Your achievements that make you feel high?
I'm proud to be a loyal employee for 20 years of a major international airline. I have worked hard to achieve my current senior Managerial position in the company. I have participated & completed 25km hike for environmental charity. I was chosen to represent our company in advertisements and other media events I was part of a choir and performed Beethoven's Symphony No. 9 in German language along with a world-renowned Asian Orchestra even though I was not familiar with the German language. I was chosen to be an instructor/trainer to teach my peers self taught cakes baking and decoraingprofessinslayy.
- Define the true beauty.
For me, the meaning of true beauty is not physical but internal beauty. An outwardly beautiful person is extremely ugly if they do not have inner beauty of virtues such as compassion, contentment and a generous heart. When a person lives not only for oneself and one's family, but for others, then that is a state of true beauty.
- Do you consider yourself to be a giver or taker?
Contrary to most people's thinking, I'll say that I'm a taker. You might ask how can I be a taker ? But I have to ask myself, what do I have to give? Even the body which I live in is not my own, but given by God. I think God is the giver and we, as human beings can only act as His medium and play the role of a giver. So basically I'm a taker who is taking His instructions graciously and trying my best to give to the needy and under-privileged people.
- What is your favourite Idea of Holidaying?
My idea of a perfect holiday would be something which does not have a negative impact on this planet and environment. To enjoy an activity or holiday while giving support to local tourism involving as less travel and transportation as possible. Thereby doing my bit in reducing pollution and leaving a minimum carbon footprint.
- Why you are participating in Mrs India Queen of Substance.
I feel that participation in Mrs India, Queen of Substance, is a natural progression for me as a woman. Similar to the transition and progression of a woman's role in society, first as a daughter, then a wife, a mother and a career woman. Similarly, this would be just another celebration of being a woman and taking womanhood to a whole new level. Because it is only after achieving a certain level that we can spread our message of Equality and respect for women in this society.
- If you were given the chance to live again, what would it be?
I would take all my achievements and lessons learnt in this life with me to the next life with the hope that my knowledge can help others. By sharing with them what I have gleaned in this life, I hope to make a difference in their lives.
- The quote or saying that encourages you .
When obstacles arise, you change your DIRECTION to reach your goal, you don’t change your DECISION to get there.
- Many teenagers and youngsters are bullied worldwide for having
Contestent Details : How you describe your own Personality and Persona. I am a person who has high expectations from myself. I am confident while being modest at the same time. I'm willing to learn and listen to others. This helps me to constantly improve myself at every level. I'm known to be a perfectionist looking into the minutest detail to ensure that each & every task assigned to me is completed with the utmost perfection. Finally, I do not shirk or run away when things go wrong. I take it as a challenge to find a solution and resolve the situation. Your Achievements that makes you feel high. I'm proud to be a loyal employee for 20 years of a major international airline. I have worked hard to achieve my current senior Managerial position in the company. I have participated & completed 25km hike for environmental charity. I was chosen to represent our company in advertisements and other media events I was part of a choir and performed Beethoven's Symphony No. 9 in German language along with a world-renowned Asian Orchestra even though I was not familiar with the German language. I was chosen to be an instructor/trainer to teach my peers self taught cakes baking and decoraingprofessinslayy Define the true beauty. For me, the meaning of true beauty is not physical but internal beauty. An outwardly beautiful person is extremely ugly if they do not have inner beauty of virtues such as compassion, contentment and a generous heart. When a person lives not only for oneself and one's family, but for others, then that is a state of true beauty. Do you consider yourself to be a giver or taker? Contrary to most people's thinking, I'll say that I'm a taker. You might ask how can I be a taker ? But I have to ask myself, what do I have to give? Even the body which I live in is not my own, but given by God. I think God is the giver and we, as human beings can only act as His medium and play the role of a giver. So basically I'm a taker who is taking His instructions graciously and trying my best to give to the needy and under-privileged people. What is your favourite Idea of Holidaying? My idea of a perfect holiday would be something which does not have a negative impact on this planet and environment. To enjoy an activity or holiday while giving support to local tourism involving as less travel and transportation as possible. Thereby doing my bit in reducing pollution and leaving a minimum carbon footprint. Why you are participating in Mrs India Queen of Substance? I feel that participation in Mrs India, Queen of Substance, is a natural progression for me as a woman. Similar to the transition and progression of a woman's role in society, first as a daughter, then a wife, a mother and a career woman. Similarly, this would be just another celebration of being a woman and taking womanhood to a whole new level. Because it is only after achieving a certain level that we can spread our message of Equality and respect for women in this society. If you were given the chance to live again, what would it be? I would take all my achievements and lessons learnt in this life with me to the next life with the hope that my knowledge can help others. By sharing with them what I have gleaned in this life, I hope to make a difference in their lives. The Quote or saying that encourages you? When obstacles arise, you change your DIRECTION to reach your goal, you don’t change your DECISION to get there. Many teenagers and youngsters are bullied worldwide for having
- If you were selected as a Charity Ambassador what Value addition would you like to do for our Society and how? Why do you think giving back to society is important?
I'd love to work towards eradication of two types of pollution: physical and mental. For the first type of physical pollution, I'll spread the message of basic cleanliness &taking care not to hurt our environment. For the second type, we have to broaden the minds of our people. This has to start at a very early age where youngsters in school start learning about respect for other human beings and especially women. This process has to be inculcated from primary classes in school. Everything goes in a circle in the universe. If we don’t carry it forward, it becomes rusted, wasted & finally dies. People around us, our parents, our family, our friends have given us so much. We have to play our role in giving the same back to the under-privileged in our society because we live in an inter-dependent world. Just like trees & plants give us oxygen, it is our duty to take care of trees/plants and thus our environment.