- How you describe your own Personality and Persona.
If I see the need - I act. If I see needy - I help. If I dream - I work on it. If I want to start - I read, talk, connect and begin. I am 31 Yr old married and mother of one. I have been staying in America for 13 + years now and look forward to returning back to India for good. Respiratory Therapist by profession and Currently work in Clinical Research.
- Your achievements that make you feel high?
Financial independence - Buying my own car at the age of 20 in cash without loans, on my own. Physical Challange - Got admitted and Served in USA NAVY for 6 years. Career- I have been working in corporate world/ Healthcare for 13 + years. Leaving work at end of the day when I know I have saved life of someone's pre mature new born baby, saved life of some one's husband who was in car accident, Saved life of some one's grand parents who had heart attack or stroke. I am respiratory therapist by profession. I started student Indian association to promote Indian culture and help Indian student in their Initial days abroad. We started with two people it has about 200+ members now. Association is running successfully for 8+ years now.
- Define the true beauty.
True beauty is person with Combinations of confidence, poise, responsible, who think of others, one with helpful nature, understanding, person with positive attitude. It can be person, who most people find easy to talk to or hang around with.
- Do you consider yourself to be a giver or taker?
Being human - we all take so much from mother nature - Food, Shelter, clothing basic needs are fulfilled by mother nature for our entire life. I have got so much from my parents since the day I was born - Just to name a few - Education, time, money, sanskar, not to forget even my life and name. Remembering these things I will have to call myself taker only. We do try to give back to society/community around us whenever we can. Sometimes it is in terms of money, sometimes as time but still yet - it is not as much as we would like to.
- What is your favourite Idea of Holidaying?
As I have been away from India for very many years my favorite idea of holidaying is roaming around in Mumbai and enjoying street food.
- Why you are participating in Mrs India Queen of Substance.
For future Opportunities in showbiz, Networking, I have always been dreamy about showbiz and this is my chance to face the camera.
- If you were given the chance to live again, what would it be?
At the age of 18-25 - I wish I would have paid more attention to make my journey beautiful instead of running to reach my destination early.
- The quote or saying that encourages you .
My sun sets to rise again - Elizabeth Barrette. You do not need reason to help people. Everything happens for reason. In the end we only regret chances we did not take. Successful journey completes when you return back to home/roots after a high fly.
- Many teenagers and youngsters are bullied worldwide for having
God has made everyone special and unique. Looks do not take any one anywhere, Characters do. Every one is trying to fit in the box, in teenage years and same people want to be unique, when they are adults, so do not waste your valuable time in bullies. Consider your self ahead of race. We are born to be real not perfect.
- If you were selected as a Charity Ambassador what Value addition would you like to do for our Society and how? Why do you think giving back to society is important?
Give and take is a circle of life. As mentioned above, we have taken so much from the community that we have to give some back in returns. If I get selected as a Charity Ambassador, I will enjoy my work more when I join hands to help underprivileged kids and families. In general if I can help anyone, it will always give pleasure.