Finalist Detail 2024

Maya Manjramkar

  • Mumbai
  • A brief about yourself and how you describe your own personality and persona.
  • I faced many challenges and struggled hard to get where I am today. but I am thankful to God as true challenges and struggles has made me strong with deeper understanding of human nature and created a responsibility necessary to become a better citizen of India. My profession offered me and extraordinary range of experiences of work with various departments and created a sense of capability and adapting to new people, new areas of working, new policies and gave me the chance to keep my mind open always and remain a consistent learner. I can’t imagine my life without my family as it is the reason for my existence .I can't breathe without music, dance and books which works like oxygen for my heart and soul. I love and take pride in taking birth as a human being on this planet who is the only strongest creature god has ever made capable to laugh, to dream and to attain enlightenment.

  • Your achievements that make you feel high
  • Following are the things that I consider my achievements that make me feel high. My father passed away when I was studying my bachelor’s degree and I took the responsibility of running the printing press and started taking home tuitions for supporting my family when I was 18 years old. I cleared the Maharashtra public service commission examination in my first attempt without any books or coaching and just relying on the best libraries in the city. I have found out what drives me and the reason to celebrate the womanhood by determining to work on gender sensitisation and creating a sexual harassment free environment for all working women by rousing the consciousness of my male counterparts through seminars and workshops and contributing to women’s empowerment to that extent and degree possible for me.

  • Define true beauty.
  • I am defining here the true beauty from the perspective of a woman. True beauty is firmly keeping grounded to the roots of feminine decency, feminine responsibilities. Keeping the sense of dignity as a human being above all the material things and material success. Our ability to being open to the ideas of others and thoughtful acceptance from limitations a considerate compassionate approach towards others i.e. humility in the beauty. The heart full of love, compassion and understanding and mind ready to grow and eager to learn and soul which makes this earth a better place for every human is beauty. Lending a helping hand to the needy, guiding the misguided, supporting the weak and encouraging the starters or beginners, giving opportunity to those who struggle to discover their own light is beauty in true sense of the term.

  • What makes a complete, healthy and happy family for you?
  • Every human’s character is shaped by his or her family. All working women as well as home makers aspire or dream of a successful career, and perfect homes where husband and wife both dare to share the responsibility of child rearing, cleaning, cooking, performing the role of a nurse when some member of the family is suffering from physical or mental ailments and celebrating each other’s success with team spirit and standing by each other to suffer the losses makes a complete family. No member should stretch himself or herself beyond their strengths and limits to make a perfect home or to perform the role perfectly because it will only create burdens and problems. Everyone should perform their role as a husband, wife, daughter, mother, son, brother keeping in mind the strengths and weaknesses and all should learn to understand each other’s limitations. This can lead to happiness and mental peace for all the members of the family. Because great families make great nations.

  • What is your favourite idea of holidaying?
  • Finding time to connect with myself to rejuvenate my energies of heart, mind and soul through meditation and long walks in nature or under the open sky. Reminding myself that I am more than a working entity and need some tool for giving a vent to my feelings and emotions by learning to play a piano with my daughter who is a piano teacher for me and my companion. Learning to dwell for the whole day on positive thought frequency by reading some good books like the secret, the buddha’s diet, think like a monk etc from my elder daughter’s library for the nourishment of my heart and soul and discussing the gist of all with my family members at the dining table full of home cooked food. Finding time to connect with people who really need your help, guidance and support.

  • Why are you participating in Mrs India Queen of Substance?
  • 1. I realised that my body, mind and spirit need a pause after menopause. Pause is only the gap between two breaths, but this pause by participating in this pageant will definitely give me an opportunity to create and inspiring and energizing space for myself which I desperately crave for. 2. For more than two decades I have completed all the assignments successfully in my government job and I will continue to do so but now I felt the need to open my heart for the new world of beauty, grace and personal growth and embarking on the new subject will definitely help me in rewiring my brain. 3. I felt the need to grow on a different platform which tests your physical and mental abilities and grace, beauty and vision. 4. Focusing on the new subject of beauty, grace, style will definitely help me to rejuvenate my inner self and will enhance my creativity in music, dance and drama. 5. Being a Feminist I think it is high time to celebrate my womanhood i.e. possessing the womb of creation of all the beautiful things in the world and taking pride in not just becoming but being a woman of substance

  • What bothers you most about what is happening in the country today?
  • 1.The sex ratio in the country has always remained unfavourable to females. As per census 2011 there were 940 females per 1000 males which show upward trend from census 2001 when there were 933 females per 1000 males. 2. we have made significant progress in getting and keeping more women in the workplace but we felt that her safety, security and dignity is at stake when she crosses the threshold of the house and we have to arm her with laws to protect her safety. 3. we can list many laws for women’s safety, security and dignity but these laws are weapons, tools to make a change, to fight for justice. We need to educate women to struggle for justice within the framework of the law and the constitution but this is possible only when one half of the most precious population i.e. women become fearless from social pressure and get ready to liberate their mind and spirit for their empowerment in the true sense of the term. 4. the element of respect is yet to enter into the constitutional right of gender equality of women.

  • The quote or saying that encourages you?
  • “I measure the progress of a community by the degree of progress women have achieved.” This quote not only encourages me but makes me realize my role and responsibility to give back to society which has given me the opportunity to become who I am today. It multiplies my faith in gender equity and commitment to equality and to women’s rights. The existence of women in the society and their progress in all social, economic, political spheres of life is crucial in the progress of the nation.

  • What is true sportsmanship for you?
  • 1. taking the failure as a first step to success 2. not repeating the same mistakes again. 3. accepting the defeat with grace and determination to do better next time. 4. always keeping in mind that failure is a great opportunity for learning and becoming the best version of yourself in the next battle.

  • If you were selected as a charity ambassador what value addition would you like to make for our society and how?
  • 1. I would promote gender equality and gender justice in all the spheres of life for women and would work for the common goal of building the feeling that we all have equal right to live with dignity on this planet. 2. I would create awareness in the society of all the laws which are made for women’s safety, security and dignity and would emphasize the need to implement the laws for the true upliftment of our half most precious population i.e. women. 3. I would work towards gender sensitization that can bring new perspectives to gender related issues and can strengthen the fabric of ethics in this society, as it is the need of the day that can realize the dream of every woman to live and work up to her potential at the workplaces to contribute in the nation’s progress. 4. I would promote the education of the children who are born in red light areas.
