Bhavani Jallepalli
- A Brief about yourself and how you describe your own persona.
Few adjectives that would best describe me would be… introverted, impulsive, independent and intelligent. I am from Hyderabad. A working woman who is continuously trying to balance my work, home, my beautiful, huge joint family, and myself and doing an A job at it all. I have an MBA from IIM and I work as a Senior Manager in a private company. Outside of the boardroom, I have a passion for food and nutrition and exploring various cuisines. I’m also a history buff and I like to read a lot on world history.
- Your achievements that make you feel high
I’ve been a national level classical dancer, I’ve been first in class throughout my schooling. I make a decent amount of money. But more than all this, the way I brought up my son feels like an achievement that I’m super proud of. I made sure that he treats any human being with respect and dignity, irrespective of their gender, class or creed. And that he fights for the right things without fear.
- Define the true beauty
Of course, beauty in all its definition is something that’s pleasant on the eyes. But almost every time, it’s mostly the personality, compassion and attitude of the person that comes through, than their looks. What you take back as beauty after meeting a person is the way they spoke, they behaved, and they treated you. So, I would said beauty is a what you are and how you come across as person.
- What makes a complete, healthy and happy family for you?
A group of people who have each other’s back, who are non-judgemental and who stick together, through thick and thin. A group of people who understand that life is about having a stack of good moments more than a stack of money.
- What is your favourite idea of holidaying?
It’s the company, not the destination that makes a holiday worthwhile. Everytime I think of a holiday, I see a beach where I put my feet up, enjoying different kinds of food and drink with my favourite people.. On the contrary, I also enjoy my solo trips, visiting historical places and reading through. Its my form of self-care.
- Why are you participating in Mrs India Queen of Substance?
This platform is the epitome of confidence in oneself and that’s exactly why I want to walk this path and take this journey. Its not easy to put yourself out there along with some incredible women. I want to learn more about myself and I want to tell myself that I am worth it.
- What bothers you most about what is happening in the country today?
Our obsession with looking at the west and copying from the west. Not just jobs, clothes, food….but also our own culture. Its sad that most of us do not know what India has been, what it has produced and how rich of a culture we were when it comes to our health, well being and way of life. We need to educate people, to look within, to trust the amazing wealth of knowledge that we possess. Mera Bharat Mahaan
- The Quote or saying that encourages you?
Life goes on…nothing stays. Neither the highs nor the lows. So just be.
- What is true ‘Sportsmanship’ for you?
To be able to clap and applaud the goodness and success of people around us, even in our bad times.
- If you were selected as a Charity Ambassador what Valur addition would you like to make for our Society and how?
I would like to focus on children who are underprivileged. I want to encourage them on getting an education, to be able to grow up and decide their own fate and way of life. Nothing empowers a person more than a good education and a confidence in the knowledge they possess.