Ujwala Galande Patil
- A Brief about yourself and how you describe your own Personality and Persona.
I am the person who works on many fronts like a business woman, a mother, a wife, daughter & a social activist. In my life journey I had gone many ups & downs to balance me with the adverse situations. I try always to maintain my smile & positivity in the storm of social & personal life. I feel myself like one woman Aarmy.
- Your Achievements that makes you feel high.
I am running a government registered organization since last 18 years. After death of my husband who left me behind with 2 little children & hundreds of responsibilities. In this tough journey I stood alone confidently and had resolved many complicated, legal matters with positivity and carried forward vision of my late husband. I faced many up and down in my journey . I had gone through economical, social, and disturbing , emotional stages. I always tried my hard to control the situation with big smile on my face. However, in these 18 years life has given many lessons but , I nurtured my womanhood & always been supportive to my female workers, colleagues, and many women surrounding my circle.
- Define the true beauty.
In my view the real beauty is knowing yourself and focusing on your best part to boost your confidence, your vision, your dreams, to make come true with big smile on your face & positivity in every step while presenting you in this world. I believe every woman is beautiful in her own ways.
- What makes a complete, healthy and happy family for you?
I feel every person of family should know worth of family support & love . The bond between two members should be strong emotionally & practically so that every member will feel free to express themselves easily without any hesitation .Home is the place where we should feel comfortable & peaceful. Being loved by members with respect towards each other is what expected from family.
- What is your favourite Idea of Holidaying?
I love being with nature and putting my foot on ground with happy moments surrounded by family, friends and sometimes alone. The very first dream holidaying is to visit Paris at once in my life journey. Which is not fulfilled yet.
- Why you are participating in Mrs India Queen of Substance?
I strongly believe this is the best platform for married women to showcase their ability , performance and their view towards humanity to conquer the world. I am here to enjoy the best experience of my life.
- What bothers you most about what is happening in the country today?
Though we say we are staying in developing country still in rural areas many women facing problem on daily course. I wish modern & progressive growth should happen in villages too. Every woman should be independent and fear free. The people mentality should change towards woman equality.
- The Quote or saying that encourages you?
The quote accomplished by my late husband always encourages me that ……Life is 10 % how you make it and 90 % how you take. Which have changed my view towards life and made me successfully stand here
- What is true “Sportsmanship” for you?
In my view nothing stops here due to your absence though your presence makes world beautiful hope so take life sportily as worries steal your real beauty. Enjoy life thoroughly
- If you were selected as a Charity Ambassador what Value addition would you like to make for our Society and how?
If will get selected in the pageant I would like to work for those women’s who are divorcee, widowed or individually handling their children to raise their lives. I will work to add more value and moral addition to their lives on big scale . Which already I am doing on small level.