Ashia Sahota
- A Brief about yourself and how you describe your own Personality and Persona.
My name is Ashia Sahota. I am from the 'City Beautiful' Chandigarh and have been happily married for the last 1.5 years. I am working as an Assistant Professor of English and pursuing my PhD. I am a woman who values her independence and dignity more than anything else. I stay focused by keeping faith in my abilities and upbringing. A woman can only push herself to the pinnacle of success or drag herself down. As a professor, I am obligated to shape the next generation's brains. With my post-graduate students, both boys and girls, I relate specific experiences and tales of strong women to prepare them for the challenges and obstructions ahead.
- Your Achievements that makes you feel high.
My appointment as an Assistant Professor of English is a notable achievement for which I get recognition and feel good about myself. After qualifying the National Level Entrance Exam in 2019, I thought I had accomplished something significant. I had similar feelings when I became third Runner Up in Miss PTC Punjabi 2011. These accomplishments may be tangential and superficial, but I feel empowered by the fact that a woman can do anything. She can hold both a position as an academician and a fashion diva. That is how I feel high about these little achievements of my life.
- Define the true beauty.
In the current scenario, I would like to modify the expression "beauty is in the eyes of the beholder" in a new manner. Today, the idea of beauty is obsolete. Hair extensions, cosmetic procedures, and other things are widespread nowadays, but that is highly acceptable these days since no one or nothing should be judged on any basis. If this is the case,then no one should be evaluated on skin colour, height, weight, or fashion sense. Your confidence and self-love make you beautiful. You’re beautiful when you are not pretentious and you are you.
- What makes a complete, healthy and happy family for you?
For me, a healthy family is one where everyone enjoys cooking for one another and eats home-cooked meals together. A happy family looks forward to spending time together and is eager to do so. I greatly respect families that stick together through thick and thin and never pass judgment on one another. I like the concept of the previous generation when it comes to family life since it was much more tightly knit and intimate than it is now in the age of Instagram and Snapchat. A healthy and happy family eats and spends time together. For me family is not the most important thing but it is everything to me.
- What is your favourite Idea of Holidaying?
Life is too short to ponder on the ideal vacation spots. For me, holidaying is about making time for your loved ones and yourself. Nowadays, people's lives are overloaded with many obligations, duties, and peer pressure. And the only way to regain the energy for all this piled-up lifestyle is to make time for yourself and your loved ones. You shouldn't let your busy schedule act as a barrier between you and your loved ones. So my whole idea of holidaying is to be with them. The destination could be a park nearby your locality, a dining table, or watching a movie together because travelling to a specific location is not the only idea for a vacation. But today's concern is only to influence the world and post about your quality time on Instagram. So for me, take three days off from work and spend time with your loved ones while making precious memories in your heart and not on your phones.
- Why you are participating in Mrs India Queen of Substance?
I've always had an inclination for beauty pageants. I love participating in contests, taking on challenges, and learning and gaining the most knowledge possible. As mentioned, after finishing my degree and becoming Miss PTC Punjabi's third runner-up, my dream of becoming Miss India attained the green light to continue. Even though my family has been very supportive, society and precisely one experience with a teacher who had very toxic views about beauty pageants prompted me to pursue the desire to become a professor before pursuing the dream of becoming Miss India since it was imperative to correct that person's views about women who participate in Beauty Pageants. However, considering age restrictions, I made up my mind for Mrs India ten years ago and waited for the appropriate moment. And your brand's name drew me to Mrs India, Queen of Substance. I find MIQS the most genuine and sincere platform for women to pursue their dreams, and thus I'm here to fulfil my desire.
- What bothers you most about what is happening in the country today?
Since I was a little kid, the plight of women in our nation and our community has constantly upset me the most. I have always believed that our nation would only be considered a women-empowered one when all women are employed and functioning on their own accord. Rapes and bullying continue to occur in our nation. If at one side incidences of road teasing have decreased , but on the other side cyberbullying has seen a surge in attention. Giving them a fair and equal share in all employment opportunities does not guarantee their respect in the nation. Both working women and women who don't wish to work should be treated with respect. A woman's position, employment, appearance, weight, and financial situation should not determine her level of respect. So yes, the respect for women in our country and especially the cyberbullying these days, is what bothers me the most.
- The Quote or saying that encourages you?
The quote that encourages me the most is “Opportunities don’t happen, you create them”.
- What is true “Sportsmanship” for you?
True sportsmanship treats other people's victories and losses equally. I think you should live your life and do your best without expecting anything in return. Because if you make sincere attempts, God will undoubtedly aid you in accomplishing your goals, and if you are unsuccessful, it indicates that something greater awaits you. Moreover, getting obsessed with anything you want to do can breed envy, jealousy, lying, and many other negative traits. So, the actual definition of sportsmanship is to be joyful and content in everyone’s achievements. If it does not appear to you, accept that it was not your day and wait for something big to occur.
- If you were selected as a Charity Ambassador what Value addition would you like to make for our Society and how?
Being a charity ambassador is an enormous responsibility, but I would love to take such a blessing through which I can contribute my small share to help my nation. From teaching college students, I have had first-hand experience of witnessing girls leaving studies due to financial crises at home where the importance is given to their brother's education and not them. I have always offered my help to those girls in whatever way I can. I want to contribute towards girl education which is the only way to empower them.