Mrs. J Bajaj
- A Brief about yourself and how you describe your own Personality and Persona.
I’m a happy-go- lucky person. I follow the life’s mantra “LIVE AND LET OTHERS LIVEâ€. I have a helping nature and I’m a fun loving soul. People say smiling is contagious so I have tried to spread this smile of mine wherever I go. I am an emotionally strong personality and have always taken a stand for the right thing and always will. I blend easily with people so this makes me a bubbly person. Being an aerobics trainer, I have always tried to make my classes interesting and surely worth a shot. Planning to do my yoga course soon to upgrade myself
- Your Achievements that makes you feel high.
I have quite a few achievements, starting with i. Being an M.A in English literature ii. Aerobics trainer with 10 years of experience in the same. I was also leading one of the groups of the Aerobics event which holds a place in the Guinness Book of World Records for being the longest Aerobics Event of 26 hours. iii. I run a successful and prominent event management organization along with my husband . iv. Last but not the least, I’m a good daughter, a good wife and a proud mother. I hope to have another feather in my cap by winning this competition, and it surely will make me feel high
- Define the true beauty.
True beauty is not like the girls on magazine covers and definitely not like the clothes they wear, the figure they carry or any such materialistic things. True beauty is seen deep down in a soul, it is seen in the ability of a person to make others smile even if one is sad. Beautiful things also have dents and scratches so its not about the superficial appearance of a person, it is also about the heart of a person and the way they perceive life. The sign of a beautiful person is that they see the beauty in others. As it is rightfully said, “BEAUTY LIES IN THE EYES OF THE BEHOLDERâ€.
- What makes a complete, healthy and happy family for you?
A healthy and happy family according to me, is a balanced mixture of love and chaos. Its where life begins and love never ends. Its about being each other’s pillars of strength even in the darkest of times. Happiness is what each day brings to us and the bond we share is amazingly strong. Its not about how big the house is, its about how happy the home is. From sharing the chores to supporting each other through thick and thin, my family is all I need.
- What is your favorite Idea of Holidaying?
My perfect idea of holidaying actually depends on my mood. I am a very social person, but sometimes peace of mind is what I surely need. When in a mood to party, I prefer going singing and dancing with close friends and family. But when I need peace I like to go to a calm and sober place where I can spend quality time with loved ones. Clicking lots of pictures is a mandatory thing to do. Also, I’m a shopaholic, so that would definitely be included in my idea of a perfect holiday.
- Why you are participating in Mrs India Queen of Substance?
It has always been my dream to participate in a beauty pageant. But responsibilities always pulled me back. Now that I have got my son settled and fulfilled all my responsibilities, I got this Golden Opportunity to fulfil my dreams. Recently I got a chance to walk for a few designers. I always wanted to be a part of such a big platform and now that I am it makes me so happy. I am thankful to all for making me feel like a queen already.
- What bothers you most about what is happening in the country today?
There are a lot of issues in the society now a days. Corruption, murders, gender bias and what not. The issue that bothers me most is the compromised safety of women in the country.Women are constantly facing problems such as sexual harassment, violence victimization through rape, acid attacks, dowry death, forced prostitution, domestic violence and many more.I personally feel that women need to take a strong stand for their own safety Because of such demons, the world has become an unsafe place for women.
- The Quote or saying that encourages you?
Some of my favourite quotes that truly encourage me are i. Be somebody nobody thought you could be. ii. Remember life’s greatest lessons are learnt at the worst times and from the worst mistakes. iii. People are going to tell you who you are all your life, you just got to punch back and say, “ THIS IS WHO I AMâ€.
- What is true “Sportsmanship†for you?
True sportsmanship is knowing that you need your opponent because without them there is no game. Knowing that whether you win or lose, you will walk off the course with pride. It is about the spirit of participation And of course, you don’t get what you wish for, you get what you work for. Never give up, the last swing could win the game.
- If you were selected as a Charity Ambassador what Value addition would you like to make for our Society and how?
If I am selected as a Charity Ambassador, I would like be a part of an organisation or start an organization to improve the quality of life of women to ensure their safety. Since a very long time, safety of women has become an increasingly political issue worthy of concern and attention, and I would definitely like to contribute towards it.