Nidhi Puranik
- A Brief about yourself and how you describe your own Personality and Persona.
I am a 37 years young, self employed woman. I am married and got a daughter who is four and half years old. I am a Corporate Trainer by profession. I am from Patna , got married to my college sweetheart and now settled in Pune since last nine years. I have done Masters in marketing from ICFAI, Pune. I am very confident, ambitious, independent woman and completely believe in myself. I like to help others, through my trainings and otherwise too. I am modest and humane. I like to motivate people, especially the diffident ones. I like to dress up and keep myself updated with the trend. I do not believe in mediocrity. I have strong faith in God. Though I am quite adaptable, I prefer the company of learned, modest and humane people.
- Your Achievements that makes you feel high.
1. when i got distinction in final year of my graduation. 2. When i was selected to be the lead model of a fashion show during graduation. 3. When out of more than 500 candidates, i was amongst the top 5 to be selected for the job in Nucleus software exports ltd. 4. In my first ever training, i was amongst the top four performers, across India. 5. Last but not the least, clearing the first two rounds of MIQS, and reaching this far.
- Define the true beauty.
Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder. It is a relative term. Beauty to me means inner beauty. A person should have a beautiful mind and a beautiful heart. External beauty is temporary, while inner beauty is eternal. The best example is Mother Teresa. She was a beautiful human being.
- What makes a complete, healthy and happy family for you?
The most important element is understanding and accepting each other, the way they are, without trying to constantly change each other. A good work life balance is required. Family members should be expressive. There is should be lot of fun and laughter moments. Each member should give lot of space to each other for individual growth.
- What is your favourite Idea of Holidaying?
For me, more than place, people matters. Company should be good. I am very fond of hill stations, greenery, waterfalls, rivers etc. Though i like beaches, don't really like get wet in it. Holiday should be very relaxed, and not too much of running around. I love to sit by the sea, with a book and some nice romantic song being played in the background.
- Why are you participating in Mrs India Queen of substance?
I feel i am blessed with beauty and brain and this is the perfect platform to showcase my potential. since childhood i wanted to be miss India but somehow being from a conservative background, could not chase my dream. My husband is very supportive and with his encouragement, i could take a step forward towards achieving my dream.
- What bothers you about what is happening in our country today?
Poverty upsets me the most. There is no value of human life. It is painful to see the standard of living of people in slums. Thousands of people die due to malnutrition and diseases. Corruption is the main reason behind human sufferings. It will take years to clean the system. Unless every single person unite and take a stand against corruption, peaceful and progressive India is a distant dream.
- The Quote or saying that encourages you?
"You will never know, unless you try".
- What is true sportsmanship for you?
True Sportsmanship is when you lose, you accept whole heartedly that the opponent was better than you and buckle yourself up for the next performance. I totally believe, either we win or we learn. There is nothing called failure.
- If you were selected as the charity ambassador, what value addition would you like to make for our society and how?
I really want to do something for our homemakers. They are mothers and their kid's future is in their hands. Their role is very important for the upliftment of the society. Somewhere down the line, they lose their identity. They sacrifice it all for the family. They need to build their self-confidence, so i want to start an academy for their overall personality development and grooming. They can learn along with showcasing their talents like dancing, singing, cooking, crafts etc. Another issue that i want to take up is adoption. I want to promote adoption .There are many childless couples and many orphans. If adoption is promoted , both the issues will be solved and it will be mutually rewarding.