- How you describe your own Personality and Persona.
I am the unique creation of god which compiles of so many traits. I am loveable person, sweet, cheerful, friendly and most of all original. i am approachable. Someone one can lean on. Energetic ,focused on spirituality ,blend of extrovert and introvert ,determined ,responsible ,takes things easy ,good in communication and innovative . Along with all this traits I have a heart full of love and passion to serve to humanity.
- Your achievements that make you feel high?
I born and brought up in small town panipat in a very conservative family where girls live in a limited domain but the fire in myself took me out from that place and now in Delhi. I am an entrepreneur running my counseling center and creating magic in others life. Happily married with two kids. Associated with many social organizations in Delhi/NCR. And it’s just a beginning……………
- Define the true beauty.
True beauty is nothing just the presence of god in self. When intelligence and innocence go together, true beauty appears. Beauty is a language of the heart. Beauty not lies in object or things. The real thing is the inner beauty. Beauty is bringing something higher in us. When we are a possibility of love, compassion, kindness, acceptance, aliveness, we can call our self beautiful. True beauty is pure, radiant, and serene. When mind is clear of all negativity. It shows in the eyes and smile of the person. Beauty is making life beautiful for others. Beauty is being yourself. Accepting self and others as they are, as they are not.
- Do you consider yourself to be a giver or taker?
Frankly speaking I am a taker. I take blessings from my elders. Love and affection from co workers and young ones. I am addictive to be a taker and realized that now I am married filled with love and blessings. Being a taker is like being a giver at the same time. It’s like Newton third law. For every action there is equal and opposite reaction. I take blessings, I give blessings I take love, I give love I take affection, I give affection I am enjoying being a taker. Thanks god for giving me such a beautiful life as u have given this to me.
- What is your favourite Idea of Holidaying?
Idea for holidaying for me is to be with myself and that can be possible in nature with full of peace and natural beauty. I love beaches and hills.
- Why you are participating in Mrs India Queen of Substance.
As I have already me mentioned in answer 2, that it’s just a beginning, so I am here for relishing myself, upgrading my potential and achieving new heights in my life , so that I can set an example for my kids and community that girls are not meant to kept in fixed domains. They are the eagles to fly high in the sky and still focused on target (prey) there on the ground.
- If you were given the chance to live again, what would it be?
I am the blessed child of god. In this life I have loving and support husband and two dynamic kids committed for their life. I have a beautiful body, a heart full of love. If I die today I love to start again from this life itself.
- The quote or saying that encourages you .
Zindagi ko har haal mein jeene layak banana mushkil toh hai , per namumkin nahi .
- Many teenagers and youngsters are bullied worldwide for having
We are nothing; we are just a point of view, as someone sees a glass half full or half empty. Same we see someone beautiful or ugly. At last what remains is soul that is pure and god itself. People judge people as per there parameters set by society which are not universal. So be thankful to god for the gift of life. All shortcoming what we have is just a point of view nothing more than that. Enjoy life to its fullest. Live life king size. You are what you are. You are whole, perfect and complete.
- If you were selected as a Charity Ambassador what Value addition would you like to do for our Society and how? Why do you think giving back to society is important?
Society can’t be uplift without the contribution of the rich class. They have the surplus amount which is needed to provide basic needs like food, shelter, education. So I will first enroll the upper class of society. I will make a team. Our government is also promoting CSR activities with MNC’S and corporate sector and at the same time I will target youth of nation as they are technique savvy and helpful in promoting any social message to every person on this globe. I am presently involved in project ‘BLOOD ON DEMAND’ which is committed to provide volunteer blood donor at the time of need in any part of the country. Moreover we are also working in SAARC countries via this project. I am also associated with eye, body organ donation project. I am also working for senior citizens. We arrange different cultural entertainment programs from time to time for them.