- How you describe your own Personality and Persona.
I would like to describe myself as a strong willed, confident and outgoing personality. I like to set goals for myself, being fully aware about my capabilities, strengths and weaknesses and achieve them by putting in a lot of sincere efforts and dedication. At the same time I am also a very emotional person. I like to love a lot and stay in an environment which is lively, healthy and cheerful. Also, I treat work as play and that infuses in me a great amount of energy to always have a positive attitude and keep going in life. I am fearless and have a great fighting spirit in me, and that is why put under any situation, my outlook is to return back as a winner. Being a Libran, I am also a very balanced personality and I always vision a situation or judge people or circumstances by weighing both the pros and the cons.
- Your achievements that make you feel high?
The phrase by Ralph Waldo Emerson really makes sense to me, which is “To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishmentâ€. Thus, on the current day my biggest achievement is I, me, and myself. I have emerged with time, I have groomed myself every single day of my life to become the person I am today, and I am indeed proud of myself. Every passing phase of life has taught me a lesson and I have kept all those lessons very close to my heart to emerge as a strong and confident person. Thus, to mention a few events or incidents in my life as achievements would be quite unfair to all other part of my life which has helped me stay focused, face the world and return back victorious.
- Define the true beauty.
A soul which is at peace with itself is true beauty. A peaceful soul lightens the eyes, brightens the smile and whitens the face. A rebellious and fierce soul can never be beautiful A heart which is passionate is true beauty. Passion leads to desire and fulfillment of that desire leads to satisfaction. An unsatisfied and frustrated heart can never be beautiful. A conscious mind is true beauty. A conscious mind brings awareness, and awareness leads to acceptance. A mind in denial can never be beautiful. A hand which gives is true beauty. A hand which can give freely represents strength and strength is power. A feeble and incapacitated hand can never be beautiful. A pair of feet which is ready to travel the path less travelled by is true beauty. An adventure leads to seduction of emergence towards the goal. A directionless pair of feet can never be beautiful.
- Do you consider yourself to be a giver or taker?
I do not consider myself to be solely a ‘giver’ or solely a ‘taker’, because according to me every single particle on earth, whether living or non- living, whether miniscule or giant, whether human being or an animal, is in a symbiotic relationship with everything else on earth. All of us contribute to the society in our own ways, and in return, seek and obtain from the society.
- What is your favourite Idea of Holidaying?
My favorite idea of holidaying is waking up early in a cozy bed with white bed sheets, with my husband by my side, in a majestic room facing the beach, on a beautiful and serene island; Having a good cup of tea with a simple English breakfast; Getting decked up in the most colorful and bright clothes; Visiting the local areas of the island to see their habits and ways of life; Collecting gifts and antiques for friends and family; Having a lavish lunch at a local restaurant; Coming back to the room for a short afternoon nap; Going for a stroll on the beach, hand in hand, with my husband and watch the sun set, Having dinner under the stars; Going off to sleep while watching any of my favorite romantic movies or reading a romantic novel.
- Why you are participating in Mrs India Queen of Substance.
I am participating in Mrs. India, Queen of substance because having endowed with smartness, confidence, beauty, brains and most of all, good communication skills, I feel I have a duty towards the society and mankind at large. I wanted to become a lawyer and having accomplished that personal goal, I feel I am at the right stage of my life where I can concentrate to dedicate my energies towards development of the society.
- If you were given the chance to live again, what would it be?
If I were given the chance to live again, I would not like to change a single thing from my life. I can only be grateful to God for having blessed me with such a wonderful family, cheerful childhood, safe adolescence and a prosperous adulthood. To want to change any moment of my life would be disrespect to the Almighty’s plans for me. Also, I feel and believe that I am a nice person and thus, my Lord will have as flourishing future for me as my prosperous past. When I ponder upon my life, I see myself victorious in most of the phases, and the few phases where I failed to achieve are also as important part of my life as others.
- The quote or saying that encourages you .
I during my interaction with people have always felt that any and every person if seen closely and observed over a period of time, has something really nice.
- Many teenagers and youngsters are bullied worldwide for having.
There is no definition of ‘perfect looks’, and if there is, you were not asked to contribute your ideas to that definition. Then, if the society does not bother to seek your view points while defining standards, why should you bother to run blindly to achieve the standards set by the society. The day you start believing that you are beautiful and rejoicing your beauty, no criticism in the world will trouble you.
- If you were selected as a Charity Ambassador what Value addition would you like to do for our Society and how? Why do you think giving back to society is important?
I think we will be able to see a new India if we are actually able to implement the idea of equal treatment for both men and women. And to achieve that we need to bring about a change in the mindset of people, and if I were selected as a charity ambassador, I would like to dedicate all my energies, knowledge, skills towards achieving this goal of “EQUALITYâ€. I would like to empower the women of India and help, motivate and counsel the women who have undergone any kind of crimes against women, viz. rape, sexual assault, insult to modesty, domestic violence, cruelty by intimate partner or relatives, trafficking, persecution for dowry.