- Brief About Yourself
I am a homemaker, married, and have two beautiful kids. I grew up in Delhi and Kathmandu and finished my graduation from Delhi University. I am an extrovert who loves meeting new people and making friends. I can look like a Diva one second and whip up tasty Indian food for my kids the next moment. I have a modern outlook, rooted in centuries old Indian traditions. I am proud to be a Punjabi and an Indian.
- Your achievements that make you feel high.
It is only a woman who can create and nurture life. My biggest achievement is giving birth to two beautiful children, nurturing and enabling them to become good, responsible and caring human beings.
- Define the true beauty.
Beauty is as beauty does, true beauty is not found in superficial appearance, but how one behaves and carries oneself. Inner beauty is more important than the skin deep beauty, which is superficial and perishable. A beautiful heart and soul epitomize everlasting true beauty.
- Why you are participating in Mrs India Queen of Substance.
I love challenges and breaking boundaries. I am participating in MIQS toprove that home makers who successfully manage their families and raise and nurture beautiful kids are the real woman of substance and though usually under rated they are one of the most important pillars of society and need to be recognized as such.
- If you were given the chance to live again, what would it be?
I would like to be born once again as a woman. To be a loving, daughter, partner and a mother. To bring life to this world and make it a better place to live in.
- The Quote or saying that encourages you?
The quote that really motivates me is Nishcay kar apni jeet karo, loosely translated it means Decide and win . This saying attributed to Guru Gobind Singh is inspirational and moves me to achieve the impossible, once I decide a goal and work my heart and soul towards it.
- How you will contribute towards the not so fortunate children & women of our society.
I believe the lot of not so fortunate children and the women in our society can be improved only through education. I will work to raise money and awareness to mitigate the problem of lack of education amongst the underprivileged strata of society. I feel that just building schools will not help till such time that the poor have access to quality schools. My focus will be to use my education degree and passion to lobby and raise awareness to provide access to quality education and improve the syllabus, teachers and teaching methodology at government aided institutions.